2025 Graduate Entry White Coat and Pinning Ceremony
Friday, February 7, 2025
6 p.m. EST
Hitchcock Hall, Room 131
2070 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210
Students, faculty and staff are asked to arrive at 5:30 p.m. There is no rehearsal for this event, so please review the details below.
The Graduate Entry White Coat and Pinning Ceremony is a formal celebration of the successful completion of prelicensure coursework and the progression to the master’s specialty portion of the Graduate Entry program.
Eligible participants
Only Graduate Entry students who have successfully completed all prelicensure coursework by the end of Autumn semester 2024 are eligible to participate in this ceremony. Eligible students will receive an electronic invitation via email by the end of December, and guest tickets will be sent electronically in January.
RSVP survey and faculty vote
You will receive the link to the RSVP survey as part of your electronic invitation. Please complete the enclosed RSVP survey by Monday, January 13. Through this survey, you will be able to:
- Indicate intention to participate in the ceremony
- Provide phonetic spelling of your first and last name
- Vote for one faculty member to be the keynote speaker
Guest Tickets
Eligible students will each receive the same number of guest tickets; that number will be based on the total number of students eligible to participate in the ceremony. All guests must have a ticket to enter the venue. Children under the age of 3 may enter without a ticket if they will sit on the lap of an adult.
The number of tickets that each student will receive will be shared in the email invitation sent by the end of December. Tickets are transferable, meaning a student who does not plan to attend the ceremony or will not use all their tickets may share their extras with classmates.
Please note that live streaming of this event will not be provided; photography is permitted inside the venue.
Expected attire
Business attire is required; please do not wear graduation regalia or scrubs. There are stairs at each end of the stage for entering and exiting the stage. Please consider this when selecting footwear.
White coats
If you choose to take part in the White Coat portion of the ceremony, you must purchase your own white coat. White coats can be purchased through The Medical Store using the school code: OSU2024 or from a company such as Goodman Uniforms.
Those who want to have their white coats embroidered can do so at their own expense. Please note that embroidery must be completed by Goodman Uniforms in Columbus. This service generally takes 2-3 weeks. Please refer to the university’s embroidery requirements as outlined at this link. You are not required to participate in the White Coat portion of the ceremony; those who do not wish to participate are asked to remain seated during that part of the ceremony.
Arriving at the Venue
Students and faculty should arrive at 5:30 p.m. The doors will open to guests at 5:30 p.m., as well. You can visit CampusParc for parking options for guests.
We will begin the ceremony promptly at 6 p.m. The ceremony is expected to last approximately one hour.
Ceremony information
Students are expected to arrive at 5:30 p.m. You will receive a card with your name and the phonetic spelling as provided in the RSVP survey. If the phonetic spelling of your name is not pre-printed on the card, you may write it on the line provided at the time of registration. You will then carry the card to the stage and hand it to the faculty speaker to use to announce your name as you cross the stage.
White coat
During the ceremony, you will be instructed to stand and put on your white coat. This will be done as a group, signifying the cohort’s progression to the master's portion of the program. For those participating in this portion of the ceremony, please remain standing until the speaker invites you to be seated.
Presentation of pins
Students in the front row will be prompted to stand and approach the steps on the right side of the stage. Please take your name card with you to the stage. When directed, climb the steps and hand your name card to the speaker at the podium.
As your name is read, walk to a faculty pinner and face the audience. The faculty member will drape a black stole over your shoulders. The nursing pin is attached to the stole. After receiving the stole, you'll turn to the right and continue across the stage to be congratulated by college administrators. You will then exit the stage down the steps and return to your seat.
When the ceremony ends, students will be released by row, beginning with the front row. Family and friends will be released after the students exit the hall.
For questions about the ceremony, please email Tamara Dunaeff at dunaeff.2@osu.edu.
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