SPEACS-2: Communication Skills Training
Continuing Education Credits: 1.0
Cost: $15
Registration: Ongoing
SPEACS-2: Communication Skills Training program was developed from a series of research studies. The program is a multidisciplinary effort to improve communication with patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) who are unable to speak because an artificial airway (oral or tracheostomy) is in place. These patients may also require mechanical ventilation (respirator) and sedating medications that make thinking and communication more difficult.
SPEACS-2 is a translational study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation INQRI program, to test the impact of an online training course for nurses and communication tools program on patient care outcomes: nursing care quality and on patient/family satisfaction with communication. We also tested nurses’ knowledge, comfort and satisfaction regarding communication with non-vocal ICU patients.
The program utilizes a web-based course, pocket reference guides, instructional manual, “low-tech” communication materials and bedside communication rounds led by a speech language pathologist to train ICU nurses on communication techniques for use with non-vocal patients.
Upon completion of the program, you will receive a certification of completion and 1.0 hour of continuing education credit.
What you will learn
- Introduction and communication assessment
- General comprehension support
- Comprehensive support for cognitively impaired patients
- Patient communication strategies: unaided
- Patient communication strategies: writing and spelling
- Patient communication strategies: simple and complex communication boards
Who you will learn from
Our continuing education courses are taught by the same world-renowned faculty teaching in our degree programs.
For questions on the program, please email accell@osu.edu. To access the course, please visit our eLearning portal.