Board of Governors

Patricia Sealing, 1971, MS 1974

Diana Sullivan, 1997

Past President:
Chris Fortney, 2002, 2006 MS, 2012 PhD

Board members:

Peggy Agle, 1981
Kathleen Bringarner, 1978, MS 1980
Yang Du, 2021
Ann Farah, 1978
Emily Funk, 2005
Alexandria Jones, 2007, MS 2010
Joyce Karl, MS 1987, Post-Master's 1995, DNP 2015
Matt Kilboy, DNP 2022
Jeri Milstead, 1975, MS 1976
Gina Osterbrock, 2009
Matthew Price, MS 2010
Amy Tootle, MS 2015, DNP 2023
Kaitlin Vogeler, 2021
Jennifer Weiner, 2008, MS 2013, DNP 2019

The primary goal of The Ohio State University College of Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors is to support and promote the advancement of the College of Nursing within and beyond The Ohio State University. Board members are expected to support educational and career opportunities for current College of Nursing students, facilitate communication, foster loyalty, promote fellowship and encourage philanthropy among and between alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends of the College of Nursing. Alumni who accept the three-year appointment are expected to fulfill the requirements and meet the responsibilities associated with board membership as stated below and in the Nursing Alumni Society Constitution and By-Laws.

To be considered for a Nursing Alumni Society Board position, please complete the online application.

If you would like additional information about the Nursing Alumni Society or have questions about board member responsibilities, please contact Olivia Cotton, director, alumni and constituent engagement, at or 614-688-2255.

Patricia Sealing

Patricia A. Sealing, MSN, RN (BSN ’71, MS ’74)
President, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Patricia Sealing, a nursing consultant, launched her consulting business 25 years ago driven by a passion to improve the patient and staff experience.  Her business focuses on program development, operations planning, organizational performance improvement, nurse recruitment and retention and interprofessional team facilitation. She serves community hospitals, women and children’s hospitals, academic medical centers and architectural firms. Patricia is accomplished in building positive work environments for nurses and integrating patient experience design strategies throughout her work. Her clients’ achievements have been recognized by the Emergency Nurses’ Association’s Lantern Award, ANCC Pathway of Excellence Program, AACN Beacon Award for Critical Care Excellence, the Society of Pediatric Nurses, Press Ganey and The Picker Institute. Patricia’s clients describe her as innovative, thoughtful, collaborative and energetic. She graduated from The Ohio State University’s College of Nursing with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1971 and a Master of Science in Nursing in 1974.  Since then, she has pursued doctoral study at Temple University with a concentration in organizational development. Prior to launching her consulting business, Patricia held clinical, leadership and public policy positions in both women and children’s advocacy organizations and hospitals.

Chris Fortney

Chris Fortney, PhD, RN, FPCN (BSN ’02, MS ’06, PhD ’12)
Past President, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Dr. Chris Fortney is an associate professor in The Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth at The Ohio State University’s College of Nursing. Fortney has built a research program based on the study of critically ill infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and their families. She has highlighted the trajectories of critical illness, as well as how perceptions of symptoms and suffering influence parent satisfaction, decision-making and parent and nurse distress and coping. She has worked with a community advisory board to translate her research study materials into other languages to ensure that diverse perspectives can be captured and is currently investigating social determinants of health and other factors that may affect symptom assessment and management in the neonatal intensive care unit.  

A life-long resident of the state of Ohio, Chris is a four-time Ohio State graduate earning a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (1992), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (2002), Master of Science in Nursing (2006) and PhD in Nursing (2012). Chris has been a member of the Board since 2018 and served as president-elect and chair of the Awards Committee. This is Chris’ second time as a Nursing Alumni Society Board member. She first joined the Board as a graduate student and BSN alumna early-mid 2000s.

A nurse researcher, teacher and mentor, Chris also currently serves as the Research Committee Co-Chair of the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, Research Special Interest Group Co-Chair of the Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses Association, content expert for the Trainees and Early Career Neonatologists (TECAN) group of the American Academy of Pediatrics and an editorial board member of the journal Advances in Neonatal Care. She is also a Fellow of Palliative Care Nursing.

Diana Sullivan

Diana Sullivan, RN (BSN ’97)
Treasurer, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Diana Sullivan is a registered nurse in the Thoracic Oncology Clinic at The James Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC). She joined JCCC in 2012 after 15 years at Riverside Methodist Hospital to fulfill her desire to work in oncology. Her previous experience in neuro critical care and advanced cardiac cath procedures gave her a good foundation for this new experience. In 2018, Sullivan helped to implement an embedded palliative clinic within Thoracic Oncology - a new concept for the Medical Center. As the primary nurse, she utilized the principles of relationship-based care to better support patients and their families. These experiences led her to present “The Role of the Nurse in an Embedded Palliative Clinic” at ONS Congress 2020. Additionally, she went on to achieve her Clinical Ladder IV status in 2022.

Sullivan graduated from Ohio State in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and is certified in ambulatory nursing. Sullivan’s other interests include gardening and caring for her ever-growing houseplant collection. She is known for promoting and modeling healthy relationships among peers as well as patients.

Peggy Agle

Peggy Baird Agle, RN (BSN ’81)
Member; Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Peggy graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The Ohio State University College of Nursing in 1981. She has worked for the past 42 years in hospital and office settings. The majority of her work experience has been in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). She currently works part-time in the PACU at the Ohio Valley Surgical Hospital in Springfield, Ohio.

Kathleen Bringardner

Kathleen Bringardner, RN (BSN ’78, MS ’80)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Kathleen recently retired from a 45-year career in pediatric nursing. Following her graduation from The  Ohio State University in 1978 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, she moved to California to work at Orange County Children’s Hospital. She returned to Columbus to complete her master's degree at Ohio State and worked at what is now Nationwide Children’s Hospital in the Emergency Department. Following graduation, Kathleen worked with a team at what is now The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center in a high-risk perinatal project study as a clinical nurse specialist.

Marriage took her to Baltimore, MD and she worked for two years at the Johns Hopkins Kennedy Kreiger Institute as part of a multidisciplinary team. A move to Gettysburg, PA took her in a new direction and she became a pediatric nursing instructor at a Penn State branch campus. Her next career move was into the Gettysburg School District as an elementary school nurse, a position she held for twenty years until her retirement.

Currently, Kathleen is a pet therapy volunteer with the Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Organization and takes her 75 pounds dog, Archie Griffin, to visit hospitals, schools, long term care facilities and anywhere else a friendly dog is needed.

Yang Du

Yang Du, RN (BSN ’21)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Yang graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2021. She works part-time as a Registered Nurse at Nationwide Children's Hospital and Riverside Methodist Hospital. Du is currently a full-time BSN-DNP student at the College of Nursing, pursuing her Master of Nursing Science with a Psychiatric Mental Health specialty and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice. She is scheduled to graduate with her master’s in spring 2023 and doctorate in 2024. Yang is hoping to conduct her DNP project on MINDSTRONG. Her mission is to help others, promote mental well-being for all and give back to our community. She is passionate about public health and evidence-based practice. Her population of interests includes children, adolescents, young adults and underserved populations. One of her dreams is to work in the field of nursing philanthropy. 

During her time as an undergraduate, Du served as a nursing student ambassador and senator of College of Nursing in the 53rd General Assembly of the Undergraduate Student Government. She was also selected as a sesquicentennial scholar representing the College of Nursing. She now serves as a delegate of the College of Nursing and chairs the international student affairs committee at the Council of Graduate Students. She works closely with the Office of International Affairs and serves as a student representative on the Strategic Enrollment Planning 2022-2023 International Recruitment Working Group and Commission on Mental Health.

Ann Farah

Ann Farah, BSN ‘78
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Ann graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The Ohio State University in 1978. She went onto neonatal nursing, starting the first neonatal NP program in Cleveland in 1985, and continuing in clinical, educational and leadership positions throughout her career. She has been involved with initiatives and innovations promoting the APRN profession and neonatal care, with an emphasis on neonatal abstinence/opioid withdrawal syndrome, working to eliminate stigma and promote care of the most vulnerable. Ann is highly committed to wellness through participation in team sports, crafts, and other activities that bring joy and relaxation.

Ann has continued staying involved with the College of Nursing by serving as a Class of 1978 for the past five years and being a board member of the Northeast Ohio College of Nursing Alumni Group (in existence 2016-2019). Ann was honored as the 2023 Distinguished Alumna, College of Nursing.

Emily Funk

Emily Funk, BSN ‘05
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Emily graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The Ohio State University in 2005. Following graduation, she became a CRNA and ultimately a DNP-CRNA program faculty member at Duke University. Through her clinical practice in pediatric anesthesia, Emily had the privilege of contributing to the well-being of young patients both locally and internationally. She has multiple publications and abstracts in conference proceedings. Being an alumna of Ohio State holds deep significance for both her and her husband, as they share a longstanding connection with the university. As her 20-year nursing school reunion approaches, she is eager to play a more active role in alumni engagement, particularly in shaping and enhancing the experiences surrounding these milestone events.

Alexandria Jones

Alexandria Jones, MS, RN, CPH (BSN ’07, MS ‘10)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Alexandria Jones has dedicated her career, actions and talents toward improving the health and equity of our community. In her roles as Franklin County Public Health (FCPH) Assistant Health Commissioner and Director of Prevention & Wellness, president of the Ohio Public Health Association and collaborator with community stakeholders including The Ohio State University’s College of Nursing, Jones takes an innovative, energetic and problem-solving approach in overcoming obstacles and improving outcomes.  

As an Assistant Health Commissioner and Director of Prevention & Wellness at FCPH, Jones oversees the Departments of Immunizations, Maternal and Child Health and Infectious Diseases. She works with staff and community stakeholders to identify, report, analyze and resolve health issues that arise among a population of 480,000 within the FCPH jurisdiction. Jones was proactive in monitoring and managing the largest statewide hepatitis A outbreak in 25 years. Her FCPH team, in collaboration with Columbus Public Health (CPH), investigated over 436 cases of hepatitis A. Additionally, FCPH and CPH vaccinated over 7,000 people who are at elevated risk to exposure or contraction of hepatitis A, including first responders, corrections inmates, homeless communities, and drug users.   

Jones readily stepped up to serve Franklin County as the COVID-19 Operations Section Chief. She oversaw the deliverables of 2.8 million COVID-19 related activities including public health case investigation, disease containment, public health order compliance, hotline support and mass vaccination. Jones was instrumental in working with community stakeholders by providing reopening plans in compliance with the State of Ohio Director's orders and providing technical assistance to community stakeholders such as K-12 schools, college/universities and congregate living settings.

Joyce Karl

Joyce Karl, MS 1987, Post-Masters 1995, DNP 2015 
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Joyce is a versatile, experienced educator and advanced practice nurse with a proven track record of leadership, mentorship and early adoption of innovation. She is certified as an adult nurse practitioner (primary care). She has practiced in a variety of settings including as a nurse practitioner in urban employee/occupational health, college health, and free clinic settings as well as prior experience as a clinical nurse specialist in acute/critical care. She also was formerly a staff nurse and head nurse in a variety of acute care settings. Her scholarly interests and publications include: health literacy, health promotion/wellness, evidence-based practice (EBP), diversity, active learning, simulation, electronic health records, interprofessional education and occupational health topics in addition to a wide variety of clinical topics. Joyce earned her DNP, MS and Post-Master’s Certificate from The Ohio State University. Her BSN was from Capital University. She recently retired as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing where she taught in the MS Nurse Practitioner and DNP Programs as well as serving as Director of the Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner and Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Specialty Tracks at The Ohio State University College of Nursing. Joyce continues to volunteer as an evidence-based practice (EBP) mentor/facilitator for the Fuld National Institute for EBP Immersion workshops and holds the Evidence-Based Practice Certificate credential from the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification. She completed The Ohio State University 2023 Volunteer Leader Academy and is looking forward to sharing her service experience and expertise as an Ohio State Nursing Alumni Society board member.

Matt Kilboy (DNP ’22)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Dr. Matt Kilboy is the Assistant Program Manager for Integration at the Joint Operational Medicine Information Systems (JOMIS) program office in Arlington, VA. He began his nursing career with the U.S. Navy at the Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth. Throughout his Navy career, he was stationed at various Navy and Joint hospitals and medical centers, deployed to Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay, acted as the Executive Assistant to the Director of Healthcare Operations at the Defense Health Agency (DHA), and held the positions of CHIO and project manager for the Defense Healthcare Management Systems Modernization (DHMSM) program office. After retiring from the Navy, Matt worked as a government civilian for the Department of Veterans Affairs as a project manager and at the DHA in Legislative Affairs. He has also served as adjunct nursing faculty at a community college in Colorado.Matt graduated from Ohio State University with a Doctor of Nursing  Practice in Spring 2022. He also holds master’s degrees in public administration and higher education, along with bachelor's degrees in nursing and athletic training. Matt’s professional interests include military healthcare, healthcare technology, national healthcare policy and sexual health.

Jeri Milstead, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN (BSN ’75, MS ’76)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Dr. Jeri A. Milstead, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, is an internationally recognized expert in health policy and politics. She has significantly impacted the nursing profession through her work as the founding editor and senior author of "Milstead’s Health Policy and Politics: A Nurse’s Guide," now in its 8th edition and sold in 22 countries. Dr. Milstead has contributed to numerous nursing textbooks and journals and served as a policy advisor in Washington, DC. She has held leadership roles in nursing organizations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. Dr. Milstead earned her PhD in Political Science from the University of Georgia, an MS in Nursing from Ohio State University, and a BS in Nursing, cum laude, from OSU. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and has been active in various committees and panels. Her career includes positions as Dean and Professor Emerita at the University of Toledo College of Nursing, director of graduate programs at Duquesne University, and faculty member at Clemson University. Dr. Milstead has received numerous honors, including the 2023 Lifetime Legacy Award from the American Academy of Nursing and the 2020 ANA Hall of Fame award. She currently works as a senior consultant for leadership, education, and public policy.

Gina Osterbrock, MS, RN, CCRN, PALS, ACLS, BLS (BSN ’09)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors



Gina Osterbrock is a highly skilled and dedicated registered nurse with extensive experience in pediatric cardiology and electrophysiology. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The Ohio State University and is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing Systems Leadership from the University of Cincinnati, maintaining a perfect GPA. Gina has been a valuable team member at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center since 2011, where she has progressed from a Registered Nurse in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit to her current role as a Registered Nurse III and Cardiology/Electrophysiology Coordinator. In this role, she manages outpatient electrophysiology patient needs, coordinates staffing and clinic operations, and performs procedures such as phlebotomy and IV placement with ultrasound guidance. In addition to her clinical expertise, Gina is an adjunct clinical instructor, actively teaching and mentoring nursing students at the University of Cincinnati and Xavier University. She is also involved in various professional activities, including serving as a camp nurse and participating in a nurse exchange program. Gina holds multiple certifications, including CCRN, PALS, ACLS, and BLS, and is an ECMO specialist. Her commitment to nursing excellence and patient care is evident in her ongoing professional development and active involvement in the nursing community.

Matthew C. Price, MS, RN, CNP, ONP-C, RNFA (MS ’10)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Matt works as a nurse practitioner at Orthopedic One in Columbus, OH. He is a proud alumnus of The Ohio State University College of Nursing. Matt is board certified by both the ANCC and AANP as an adult health nurse practitioner and carries specialty certification as an orthopedic nurse practitioner. Matt is a former board member and president of the Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board. Matt is passionate about supporting and advancing the field of nursing, especially as it relates to musculoskeletal health. He has authored multiple papers and has been a featured presenter at professional conferences on a wide range of orthopedic topics. Matt lives in Columbus with his wife and two daughters. In his free time, Matt enjoys swimming, biking, and long hikes with his dog, Mille.

Amy Tootle, DNP, RN CNML (MS ’15, DNP ’23)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Amy started her career as an LPN in 2005. As a second career and first-generation college graduate, she continued her education and received an associate degree in nursing from Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio in 2006. In 2010, Amy obtained her BSN from Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. In January 2011, she started her career at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She has worked as staff nurse, assistant nurse manager and nurse manager in The James Blood and Marrow Transplant Unit. During that time, she completed her Master of Science in Nursing and Health System Management; Nursing Administration in 2015 at The Ohio State University, then graduating with her Doctorate in Nursing Practice; Nurse Executive Track in 2023 at The Ohio State University. Currently, Amy is the Associate Director of Nursing of the Student Nurse Program at OSUWMC. Amy was born and raised in the Hocking Hills and continues to reside there. Amy has participated in numerous professional affiliations throughout her career.  Amy is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International; Theta Theta Chapter of Capital University and Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society; The Ohio State University. From 2014-2017, Amy was an active member of the Columbus Chapter of the Oncology Nursing Society. She served on the Legislative Liaison Committee, The Student Nurses Sig, and co-chaired the Community Outreach Committee. Amy has been actively involved in The American Organization of Nurse Leaders since 2014. She was a member of the 2019 AONL Nurse Manager Fellowship, 2024/25 AONL Conference Planning Committee and 2024 Nurse Manager Fellowship Selection Taskforce. Amy is a member of the Ohio Organization of Nurse Leaders and serves on the 2025 OONL Engagement Committee. Amy has served on the Board of Trustees at Hocking Valley Community Hospital since 2022. Amy seeks opportunities to move forward and lead change within the healthcare profession. By continually exhibiting a spirit of inquiry, she is innovative and utilizes evidence-based practice to move the profession forward. She is excited to become a member of the Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors.

Kaitlin Vogeler

Kaitlin Vogeler, RN (BSN ’21)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Katie graduated from The Ohio State University's Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in 2021. She has multifocal interests in acute care nursing, women's health, education and leadership.

During her undergraduate studies at Ohio State, Vogeler was in the nursing honors program where she enjoyed working with Dr. Shannon Gillespie on women's health-related research for several years. Vogeler was also the vice president of philanthropy of her sorority Alpha Chi Omega at Ohio State, promoting domestic violence awareness and women's rights.

She gained her first year of experience as a nurse in a hematology-oncology inpatient unit. She is currently working as a registered nurse on the abdominal transplant floor at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and loves supporting patients in this role. Katie loves how much knowledge there is to provide in the post-transplant period as an RN and would like to pursue nursing education later in her career.

She lives at home with her husband of two years (high school sweetheart of 11 years) and their two-year-old, hyperactive golden retriever, Lily. In her downtime, she loves reading, biking, camping, exploring Columbus and road-tripping to national parks.

Jennifer Weiner, DNP, APRN-CNP, CPNP-AC/PC, EBP-C (BSN ’08, MS ’13, DNP ’19)
Member, Nursing Alumni Society Board of Governors


Jenny has been a nurse for 16 years, with the last 11 of those years as a pediatric nurse practitioner at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, OH. She is a "three-peat" graduate of the Ohio State University College of Nursing, having earned her Bachelors, Masters, and Doctor of Nursing Practice there in 2008, 2013, and 2019. Jenny is excited to be joining the Board of Governors and continuing the excellent work they do for College of Nursing alumni. She is a dog mom to the best girl, Lucy. When Jenny isn't playing endless games of fetch or walking Lucy, she enjoys participating in local community choir and theatre.