Your next step could change your life.
And your capacity to change the lives of others.
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At some point, every nurse with an associate degree reaches an important moment in their career. It’s the decision to stay the course, or take a step forward. Whether you’ve just earned your degree or you’ve been caring for patients for years, we embrace those who choose to go further. The RN to BSN path can certainly enhance your career. Most important, it can elevate your ability to care for your patients and give you a clear voice in the debate surrounding how best to advance the field of nursing.
There’s a reason Ohio State’s online bachelor’s programs were ranked #7 in the country by U.S. News & World Report. Actually, there are a number of reasons, including the quality of the coursework, the personalized attention made possible by low student-to-instructor ratios, the integration of evidence-based practice throughout our curriculum, our commitment to your personal wellness and, of course, the flexibility to earn a degree as a full-time or part-time student.
In addition, we've made the RN to BSN degree program both accessible and affordable by using open and university provided resources in all nursing courses. This means you will have no textbook costs for your nursing courses! The Ohio State University College of Nursing is renown throughout the world for its level of academic excellence and expertise.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at The Ohio State University College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.
We are proud to provide a program that explores current and relevant topics that can be immediately applied to your professional career.
Outcomes for Graduates of the RN to BSN Program
We have high aspirations for our students as healthcare professionals. We support them in pursuing their personal and professional success through a simple philosophy of LIVE WELL. The BSN graduate will be prepared to:
LEAD: Embody the values and leadership abilities of a professional nurse across the lifespan in a variety of settings
INNOVATE: Serve as an innovative nurse who makes meaningful and unique contributions toward wellness promotion, disease prevention and management and population health improvements
VISION: Practice with vision and leverage one’s own career to transform healthcare to ultimately improve quality and safety
EXECUTE: Execute clinical reasoning and evidence-based decision making to practice with the full extent of licensure
WELLNESS-FOCUSED: Apply a holistic approach to optimal health and well-being for self, individuals and populations
EVIDENCE-BASED: Implement best practices consistently while fostering an evidence-based practice culture
LIFE-LONG LEARNING: Embrace life-long learning to transform health and improve lives
LIGHTS FOR THE WORLD: Exemplifying the spirit of caring and service

Application Deadlines
Opens: July 1
Deadline: October 30
Opens: January 13
Deadline: March 31
Opens: April 1
Deadline: June 30