Are students required to come to campus?

Nursing 3116, Nursing 3116, and Nursing 3117 are 100 percent online, and there are no on-campus requirements. However, some electives are only offered in an on-campus format.

Can I use a fee waiver through my district?

Yes, fee waivers are accepted. Please direct questions regarding fee waivers to your district.

Does State Authorization impact my eligibility?

A professional license or certification may be required to practice in the field of this academic program, or to advance or specialize in that field. This program meets licensure requirements in the State of Ohio and is approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

If you are planning to seek a professional license or certification in a state other than Ohio, it is highly recommended that you contact the appropriate state licensing agency to seek information and guidance before beginning the program. In addition, online program availability may vary by state. For more information on state authorization requirements and disclosures related to online programs and state licensing board contact information, please visit online.osu.edu/state-authorization/disclosures.

Can I complete this at my own pace?

Students are expected to follow their plan of study. Any changes to that plan should be discussed with the student’s advisor.

Are the courses needed to complete the certificate offered every term?

No, courses are only offered during certain terms each year. A student’s plan of study is therefore based on this course availability

Is there funding available?

As non-degree students, most financial aid and scholarship opportunities are not available to students enrolling in certificate programs. Full-time employees at Ohio State may be eligible for tuition assistance, which can aid in the costs of this certificate.t

What is the estimated cost?

A breakdown of the estimated costs for the total program can be found here. Students in the certificate program pay instructional fees, general fees, distance learning fees, and nursing distance learning fees each term of enrollment.New accordion content

Does this certificate lead to a School Nurse licensure?

It depends. Ohio RNs looking to complete a certificate program that leads to the Ohio Department of Education School Nurse Professional Pupil Services License should pursue the School Nurse Professional Pupil Services Licensure certificate. RNs outside of the state of Ohio should consult their state’s Department of Education to determine if this certificate program could lead to licensure in their state. Note: This program does not include a practicum component.