
Nurse Education Conferences
Writing and Publishing
  • Nurse Author & Editor
    Publishes articles on the topic of scholarly writing and publishing in nursing literature. Publishes biweekly articles that can be delivered to your email box if you opt in. Offers a Directory of Nursing Journals that may be helpful in the search for a journal.
  • Writing for Publication (from the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health)
    A series of articles addressing issues in scholarly writing for nurses, including topics such as choosing a journal, the process of journal submission and publication, and ORCID iDs.
  • Current Open Access Agreements between Ohio State and Publishers
Recruiting Research Participants

Submit a request to NLN to feature nursing education research by faculty and students recruiting for an IRB-approved study in an NLN email newsletter.

Identify journals for your manuscript
Nurse Education Journals

Additional journals to consider

How to cite not-yet-published journal articles in APA style

Refer to this excellent resource from Royal Roads University for help with formatting references and in-text citations from articles that are not yet in print.

Learning Technology Tools

A simple list of learning technology tools for use at Ohio State and beyond.