BSN Curriculum

New curriculum

A new curriculum will begin for students entering the program in August 2023. This innovative curriculum was built to prepare the next generation of nurses with the tools they will need to be successful. Nursing is evolving at a rapid pace and nurses need to be ready to navigate this new landscape of healthcare. The improvements to the curriculum will provide students with the best preparation for delivering quality and safe patient care.

Required Nursing Courses

Credit Hours
Nursing 2271 Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice I 4
Nursing 2451 Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology I 3
Nursing 2200 Art of Professional Nursing I 2
Nursing 2500 Introduction to Social Justice and Health Policy 1
Nursing 5115 MINDSTRONG 1
Nursing 2272 Foundational Knowledge for Nursing Practice II 4
Nursing 2452 Nursing Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II 3
Nursing 2201 Art of Professional Nursing II 2
Nursing 2782 Foundational Principles of EBP and Nursing Science 2
Nursing 3271 NursingCare of Adults and Older Adults I 4
Nursing 3280 Nursing Care of Women and Families During Reproductive Transitions 4
Nursing 3460 Motivational Interviewing 1
Nursing 3272 Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults II 4
Nursing 3260 Nursing Care of Children and their Families 4
Nursing 3780 Evidence-based Nursing Care for Patients in Palliative and end of life Care 2
Nursing 3240 Population Health Local to Global 3
Nursing 4241 Synthesis of Determinants of Health to Address Population Health Outcomes 4
Nursing 4341 Nursing Clinical Judgement in the Care of Psychiatric and Mental Health Conditions 4
Nursing 4401 Innovative Strategies in Leadership and Systems-based Practice 2
Nursing 4402 Synthesis of Nursing Practice and Patient Care in Complex Healthcare Systems 2
Nursing 4590 Practicum for the Utilization of Nursing Clinical Judgement 6
Nursing 4310 Science of Wellness and Self-care 1
Nursing 4520 Utilization of Information and Healthcare Technology to Drive Decision Making in Nursing 1

Required Support Courses

  • Statistics 1350 (3 CH), 1450 (3 CH) or 2450 (3 CH)
  • Microbiology 4010 (3 CH)
  • Human Nutrition
    • Students admitted to early admission pathway are expected to take Human Nutrition 2200 (2 CH)
    • All other students seeking admission to the nursing program can take Human Nutrition 2200 (2 CH) or 2410 (4 CH)

Elective Support Courses

  • HW 2102 Optimizing Personal Health, Happiness & Well-being
  • HW 2110 Health Athlete
  • HW 2210 Dimensions of Wellness and Resilience
  • HW 2220 Wellness in Chronic Conditions I
  • HW 3220 Health Promotion Strategies for People with Chronic Conditions
  • HW 3230 Coaching for Health Improvement
  • NRSADVN 3113 RN Practice in Primary Care and Substance Use Disorder
  • NRSADVN 3114 Care Coordination and Transition in Care
  • NRSADVN 3115 Telehealth Assessment and Management in Primary Care
  • NRSADVN 3116 Evidence-Based Health Coaching in Interprofessional Practice
  • NRSADVN 3117 RN Practice in Primary Care
  • Nursing 3200 Failure to Rescue
  • Nursing 3431 Global Options Nursing Capstone
  • Nursing 4110 Nursing Process in the Perioperative Setting
  • Nursing 4150 Epidemiology Concepts in Nursing and Global Healthcare
Sample Schedule

View a four-year BSN sample schedule* for students entering the program in August 2022 and beyond.

*The BSN sample schedule is tentative and the sequence of coursework may change based on a number of different factors. Deviations may occur based on the prerequisite course/option a student elects to enroll in, credit earned through post-secondary and/or AP and/or test scores, such as the math placement test score, changes to class requirements, falling below academic progression standards and other reasons.

The sample schedule does not provide a list of prerequisite courses required for admission into the BSN major. For a comprehensive list of approved prerequisites courses, grade requirements and an overview of the BSN application process please visit the BSN admissions page.

General Education (New) Requirements

View an overview of general education requirements specific to BSN students entering the university in August 2022 and beyond.

All students who have begun the BSN program prior to autumn 2023 will continue with the curriculum plan below.

Coursework in the first year (sophomore level) includes knowledge about the discipline of nursing, basic health assessment, clinical nursing skills and clinical experiences. The integrated health science series encompass physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and scientific inquiry in nursing. The other courses are: life span development, human nutrition, therapeutic communication and microbiology.

The second year (junior level) of courses is a combination of classroom, laboratory simulations and clinical experiences. The courses with required clinical experiences are nursing care of adults and older adults, childbearing families and children and their families. Students spend an average of 12 hours per week in clinical settings. The other course is cultural competence in health care.

The third year (senior year) of courses is a combination of classroom, simulations, and primarily precepted clinical experiences. The four courses include community care of vulnerable populations, psychiatric mental health nursing and transitions and leadership in clinical nursing practice. Students spend an average of 16 to 24 hours per week in clinical settings depending upon the courses enrolled.

Required nursing courses

Credit Hours
Nursing 2420 A Nursing Perspective: Life Span Development of Individuals within a Family Context 3
Nursing 2100 Introduction to Professional Nursing: Concepts and Practice 3
Nursing 2270 Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults I 5
Nursing 2410 Health Assessment 3
Nursing 2450 Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice 3
Nursing 2460 Introduction to Therapeutic Communication for Health Professionals 3
Nursing 2470 Introductory Pharmacology for Nurses 3
Nursing 2780 Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice 3
Nursing 3270 Nursing Care of Adults and Older Adults 7
Nursing 3430 Cultural Competence in Health Care: US and Global Contexts 3
Nursing 4240S Concepts in Community Health Nursing 4
Nursing 4260 Nursing Care of Children and Their Families 4
Nursing 4270 Transition to Professional Nursing 6
Nursing 4280 Nursing Care of Women and Their Families During Reproductive Transitions 4
Nursing 4340 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 4
Nursing 4400 Leadership and Management of Nursing Practice
(for students who begin Nursing program Autumn 2012 and beyond)
Total credit hours 61
General Education (Legacy) Requirements

View legacy general education requirements specific to BSN students entering the university prior to August 2022.