For Students: Becoming a Global Citizen

We believe it is imperative that our students are equipped with the knowledge and experience to be global citizens, whether at home or abroad. Our Office of Global Innovations prepares students by teaching cultural competency and wellness. Students are transformed through an innovative education combined with practical, evidence and research-based clinical experience.

Global Experiences

Education Abroad
Costa Rica

Term: Spring Break
Eligibility: Undergraduate (Senior)
Course number(s): N4240s + N2798
Total credit hours: 4
Clinical hours: Up to 55 hours

Program status: March 2024

This education abroad program to San Jose, Costa Rica will expose students to concepts of international health care and community health care. As a result of completing the coursework and the education abroad program, students will gain exposure to a healthcare system different to that of the United States; learn the healthcare needs of people in a foreign country; learn about key public health and nursing challenges in Costa Rica; and strengthen their ability to communicate and care for patients from a different culture. Students will also participate in clinical and simulation activities involving medically underserved populations.

Learn more


Term: Summer Term
Eligibility: Undergraduate (Freshman, Sophomore or Junior)
Course number(s): N3798 / GEOGRAPHY 3753.02
Total credit hours: 4
Clinical hours: None

Program status: May 2023

We are proud to announce a first-of-its-kind global education partnership at Ohio State between the College of Nursing and the Department of Geography. The aim is to provide educational options that can meet curriculum needs for many undergraduates – all in beautiful Cyprus! This global learning experience allows students the opportunity to spend May 2023 in the beautiful Mediterranean and complete a four-credit general education health and wellness thematic course. We have approval to meet the theme options of sustainability and health and well-being under the new general education program structure.

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Term: Spring Break
Eligibility: Undergraduate (Senior) or Graduate
Course number(s): N2798/N5798
Total credit hours: 3
Clinical hours: Graduate only - 60 hours

Program status: On hold until 2024

During spring break, graduate students can receive 60 clinical credit hours at a site in Choluteca, Honduras. Students will work under faculty supervision, providing healthcare and health education in rural villages, public health departments, hospitals and schools. The team also provides education to community healthcare workers and high school students, as well as screenings and medical treatment to patients.

Read about student experiences on the Ohio State Global Transformations On-Location: Honduras Blog.


Term: Summer Term (May)
Eligibility: Graduate Entry only
Course number(s): N6240S and N5798
Total credit hours: 4.5
Clinical hours: 60

Program status: Active — scheduled to run in May 2023

Beautiful and welcoming Oslo, the capital of Norway. This year, our college will offer global opportunities for graduate entry students enrolled in NURSING 6240S Concepts in Community Health Nursing. We will offer the full clinical required experience in a partnership with Lovisenberg Diaconal University College (LDUC), the first school in Norway to offer a nursing degree in 1868. We will have an extraordinary experience partnering with Norweigan nursing students who are also completing their community health clinical. In addition, students will have opportunities to participate in cultural and educational events in this faculty-led opportunity including a project "Oslo by Night," which addresses population-focused care of individuals, families and communities who are disadvantaged or disenfranchised. From the fjords, fishing, skiing, Vikings and healthy lifestyles, we will welcome students to the land of the midnight sun.

Read about student experiences on the Ohio State Global Transformations On-Location: Norway Blog.

Learn more

Learn more about these programs on the Office of International Affairs website.

Risk Assessments
Risk Designated Tiers

The College of Nursing is committed to providing diverse learning experiences that build the future leaders of tomorrow. As a part of our mission to transform health and lives, we offer global learning experiences in a broad array of countries and environments. To ensure full understanding by students of these opportunities, we provide a tremendous amount of information on-line to provide students with a good picture of the experience, logistics and learning opportunities. To this end, it is our responsibility to provide students with current, relevant risk assessments on each opportunity prior to enrolling in the experience. Please note, these risk assessments change on a continual basis and it is the student’s responsibility to keep updated on any changes prior to the trip. The U.S. Department of State rates international travel risk by country on a scale of lowest (1) to highest (4). The Ohio State University Office of International Affairs and the College of Nursing’s Office of Global Innovation will also provide, on a timely basis, relevant changes to any travel risk assessments and itinerary modifications. Ohio State’s risk ratings are on a scale of 1-6 (see below). Click here to see the current tiered risk for global experiences. We hope you find this information useful in your decision-making – global learning experiences can change your life and your career path!

The scale puts in place a tiered risk level for countries and regions and defines parameters for travel. The system is based on guidance from numerous resources: U.S. Department of State, Drum Cussac, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control.

 Ohio State Risk Designated Tiers

 Tier 6

 Extreme Risk

 Tier 5

 Significant Risk

 Tier 4

 High Risk

 Tier 3

 Moderate Risk

 Tier 2

 Specific Risk

 Tier 1

 Universal Risk


NOTE: This rating is evaluated and updated on a monthly basis. In-depth risk assessments are completed to ensure the safety and security of students, faculty and staff who are traveling to Tier 4 countries. Click here for specific information about risk assessment processes.

Preparing for your Experience
Financial Aid and Scholarships

The Office of International Affairs offers a wide range of financial aid for your study abroad program. Please visit their website for a full listing.

Materials to Prepare Before You Apply

Prior to applying for a study abroad program, it’s important that you have these items:

  • Study abroad program term and program ID code. You may obtain this information from the study abroad program information page
  • Your academic program information, which includes your college and major. This can be accessed through your Student Center at In the Academics section, click on "Academic Other" and select "View Academic Information." You will need to include this information in your application
  • Your passport number. If you have not received your passport, or have not yet applied for one, you may still complete the online application, but remember that you may not participate in a study abroad program without a valid passport

Once you have the above items, you'll need to gather the following materials:

How to Apply
  1. Log into Buckeye Link:
  2. Select “OSU Study Abroad Application” from “Self Service” list on the top of the page.
  3. Complete the Study Abroad Application Form
  4. Complete:
  5. Education Abroad Agreement/Release/Authorization Form
  6. Eligibility Questionnaire
  7. Upload or copy and paste your Personal Statement
  8. Sign and Submit
  9. Pay the $150 application fee within 3 days of submitting your application*

For more information please visit:

*The application fee will be refunded only if you are not accepted to the education abroad program or if you submit a written request to withdraw your application prior to the application deadline

DNP Immersion Hours Reflection from Yang Du:

Yang holding a bird

Yang helping children

I studied abroad in Costa Rica as a DNP student, and this trip offered me many 'ah-ha' moments. In some ways, this experience was eye-opening and transformative, shaping not just my career but also my outlook on life. In Costa Rica, I had opportunities to work with people from diverse backgrounds, including healthcare professionals, health system expert, schoolteachers, medical students, non-profits and communities. I learned and was inspired by every encounter with the locals. My experiences ranged from nursing homes to schools, hospitals, local clinics, homeless shelters, health fairs and farms. I learned about Costa Rica's healthcare systems, which broadened my horizon on what healthcare could be like. I returned with many ideas.

I grew in various aspects of life, including having a clearer vision of the provider and healthcare leader I aspire to be and how I want to live my life. My relationship with other human beings, animals, nature and the environment deepened. I gained a deeper understanding of what 'culturally competent care,' 'patient-centered care,' and 'human security' (human security includes seven essential dimensions: (i) economic, (ii) food, (iii) health, (iv) environmental, (v) personal, (vi) community and (vii) political) mean and had many opportunities to reflect on and confront my personal biases. I became a better person because of this experience, and I recommend studying abroad to everyone who may have this opportunity.

Global Option Nursing

The Global Option Nursing (GO Nursing) program allows undergraduate BSN students to earn a global transcript designation without adding time to graduation.

Step 1: Learn
  • Fill out the student interest form
  • Attend an information session
  • Schedule a meeting with the global program coordinator to plan out how GO Nursing fits into your academic plan
Step 2: Apply
  • Complete the online application
  • Please note: You must apply to the program no later than the start of your senior year
Step 3: Complete
  • Complete coursework that fulfills program components
  • Meet with your academic advisor before your final semester to confirm that all requirements are met

GO Nursing Course List

Global Academic Exposure (7 credits)

You must take two globally-focused advanced courses to fulfill this component.

  • NUR 3430 Cultural Competence in Health Care: U.S. and Global Contexts
  • NUR 4240S Concepts in Community Health Nursing: United Kingdom
Global Experience (3-4 credits)

There are many options to meet this requirement:

  • A College of Nursing Education Abroad program
    • NUR 3798 Sustainability in Cyprus: Health & Well-being (4 credits)
    • NUR 4240S Concepts in Community Health Nursing: Costa Rica (4 credits)
  • An Ohio State sponsored Education Abroad program through the Office of International Affairs
  • A local (domestic) experience with underserved vulnerable populations
  • A pre-approved virtual activity
  • Take any course with an integrated Collaborative Online International Learning/Virtual Exchange (COIL/VE) model
  • Complete the Global Engagement Certificate Program
  • Complete a virtual international internship, semester or summer long
  • Participate in a formal Ohio State sponsored service-learning program
  • Complete an international STEP eligible programs on the OIA platform
  • International Ohio State student who has completed at least one semester of coursework abroad/in home-country and  provided a reflection paper
Culture and/or Language Exposure (3-8 credits)

You must complete world culture or world language coursework, totaling 3-8 credit hours.

World culture option:

Complete a minimum of three credit hours of coursework that develops a familiarity with the history, culture, government and/or economic system of a target country

  • Complete any of the 2000-level or higher GE Cultures & Ideas course

World language option:

  • Complete world language courses 1101 and 1102
  • Earn world language examination (EM) / transfer credit for 1101 and 1102
  • Earn world language (EM) / transfer credit for 1101 and take foreign language course 1102
  • You may be exempted from the coursework if you have a verified proficiency in a world language
Global Activity (1 credit)

During your final semester, you must take N3431 Global Options Nursing Capstone. As part of that course you will complete a global health project and submit a comprehensive e-portfolio that documents your experience in the program.

Global health project can include:

  • An international research project
  • A service-learning project
  • A global health internship
  • Other approved global activity

Note: The e-portfolio is a retained assignment over the time you are completing the program.


Why complete the GO Nursing program?

Prepare yourself with the tools and knowledge to succeed in a globally connected world, even if you are working in the U.S.

You will learn about major currents of global change, compare and contrast major domestic and international issues and develop the skills needed to impact care across cultural boundaries.

Can I use my courses that are already required?

Many of the courses and experiences required for the GO Nursing program are met through standard nursing curriculum components.

You will complete coursework in four categories:

  • Advanced Global Nursing
  • Global Field Experience
  • Cultures and/or Languages
  • Global Health Activity
Who is eligible?

Any admitted undergraduate nursing student in good academic standing.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please email the global program coordinator at


Congratulations to our 2024 Global Option Nursing Graduates!

Click their names or images below to read about their global experiences.