Diversity and Inclusion for Valuable Engagement (DIVE) Program

Health equity is defined by the Health Resources and Services Administration as the “absence of disparities or avoidable differences among socioeconomic and demographic groups or geographical areas in health status and health outcomes such as disease, disability, or mortality.”

The DIVE program, administrated by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the College of Nursing, is a free, online platform designed to engage faculty, students and staff in self-directed continued learning about social determinants of health, policy decisions and in providing direct service to communities experiencing health disparities. The DIVE program offers four increasingly rigorous levels of learning to any interested participants; the Ally, Advocate, Champion and Ambassador levels.

Start logging your activities at elearning.nursing.osu.edu.

What are the benefits?
  • Be honored at the College of Nursing's Annual Diversity Recognition Ceremony
  • Receive a certificate of participation (please note this is not an academic credential)
  • Receive a lapel pin to distinguish your accomplishments
What events and activities qualify for the certificate?

Diversity Learning Opportunity

Examples include:

  • Diversity and inclusion trainings (such as implicit bias in healthcare), self-assessments such as the Kirwan Institute and Harvard IAT assessments
  • Health equity-related presentations (lectures and webinars)
  • Academic articles, professional organizations’ publications
  • Watching diversity-related videos (TED Talks, etc.)

Outreach and Engagement Opportunity: participants complete volunteer or community-oriented direct service that positively impacts a health disparity.

Opportunities include:

  • NSPIRE clinics for current CON students
  • Ask a Buckeye Nurse Screenings
  • Million Hearts Screenings
  • Volunteering in your local community
What are the requirements for each level?

Ally (total of six events)

  • Two Diversity and Learning Opportunities
  • Two Outreach and Engagement Opportunities
  • Two Other Opportunities (Your choice!)

Advocate (total of 12 events)

  • Complete Ally-level modules
  • Two Diversity and Learning Opportunities
  • Two Outreach and Engagement Opportunities
  • Two Other Opportunities (Your choice!)

Champion (total of 18 events)

  • Complete Ally-level modules
  • Complete Advocate-level modules
  • Two Diversity and Learning Opportunities
  • Two Outreach and Engagement Opportunities
  • Two Other Opportunities (Your choice!)
  • Capstone Project: The final requirement for the Champion-level participant is to complete reflective writing on a health equity topic of your choice.

Ambassador (total of 22 events)

  • Complete Ally-level modules
  • Complete Advocate-level modules
  • Complete Champion-level modules
  • Leave Your Legacy Capstone project: The final requirement for the Ambassador-level participant is to design a 15 minute presentation that delves into a topic of your choice which intersects social justice, disparities in healthcare, and diversity in identity (class, race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship status, ability, religious affiliation, etc.) Share a clear depiction of the history, the current inequity at hand, as well as the resulting health disparity. Propose interventions which individual healthcare providers can implement within their practice and beyond to create change.

Online Diversity Learning Opportunities

To assist our faculty, staff and students in achieving this certificate, we have compiled a number of online learning opportunities! Click above to access this resource.

College of Nursing events which meet the certificate's requirements will be marked with the following seals:

diversity seals for learning opportunity and recruitment and outreach opportunity

Examples of events that would count are:

  1. Volunteering in an underserved community (outreach)
  2. Working with charities or faith-based organizations in underserved communities (outreach)
  3. Going to diversity related lectures, movies, or performances or being a member of a diversity related student organization inside or outside of the College of Nursing (learning)
  4. Attending diversity-related trainings (ex: Open Doors Anti-Bias or Safe Zone or Ally training; learning)
  5. NSPIRE events, community clinics or their annual 5K
  6. Student ambassador recruitment events
  7. If you think it counts…email us to let us know and we’ll tell you!

Things to consider: If you are asking for special approval for the event, then please submit documentation/website link to CONDiversity@osu.edu for review.

  1. Diversity Learning Opportunities:
    • Does the opportunity focus on a diverse group as defined by the College of Nursing's definition for diversity?
    • Does the topic directly address health disparities, health equities or can the topic be related to improving healthcare/well-being for members of diverse populations?
    • Will this opportunity provide you with enough information to describe three takeaways points (This will be asked in the event logging questionnaire/quiz)
    • For online opportunities and articles: 60 minutes of video = one event; two articles = one event
    • If requested, could you provide proof of attendance/more information/documentation about the opportunity?
  2. Outreach and Engagement Opportunities:
    • Did you have direct interaction/communication (physical, virtual, phone conversation, etc.) with a diverse group as defined by the College of Nursing's definition for diversity?
    • Can your engagement directly impact obtaining health equities or can it directly impact improving healthcare/well-being for members of diverse populations?
    • Will this opportunity provide you with enough information to describe three takeaway points (This will be asked in the event logging questionnaire/quiz)
    • If requested, could you provide proof of attendance/more information/documentation about the opportunity?

Where else can I find events?