Grants Roundup
by Alison Grizzard
Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Retention – Pathway to Registered Nurse Program. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Bowles, W. (PD/PI), Anderson, C.M. (Co-I)
UD7HP49618. 2023-2027. $3,999,074
The purpose of the LIVEWELL LPN to BSN Bridge program will be to reduce barriers for LPNs to complete the BSN through academic training and clinical practice program development with a focus on rural and underserved populations; direct support for students with a focus on reducing the social determinant barriers that affect academic achievement, curriculum development focused on health equity and partnerships in the community for clinical experiences and career ladder opportunities; and recruitment and development of preceptors and employment of clinical nurse faculty in the program with an overall focus of increasing diversity in the nursing workforce.
Testing a multistage model of risk factors for cannabis use utilizing a measurement burst design among sexual minority women, sexual minority gender diverse individuals and heterosexual women. National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse
Dyar, C. (PI), Kaysen, D. (Co-I), Lee, C.M. (Co-I),
Rhew, I.C. (Co-I)
R01DA058642. 2023-2028. $3,415,016
The purpose of this R01 is to advance our understanding of cannabis use disorder (CUD) among sexual minority women and gender diverse individuals and heterosexual women, with a focus on how event-level associations between risk factors and cannabis use change as CUD develops.
Measurement and Mechanisms of Pain in Autistic Adults. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Failla, M.D. (PI), Crasta, J. (Co-I), Lecavalier, L. (Co-I), Tan, A. (Co-I), Walton, K. (Co-I)
R01NS133354. 2023-2028. $2,595,108
This project aims to identify better pain measurement for adults with autism and to understand factors that may result in more pain for people with autism. The investigators will also examine how the brain may respond differently to pain in adults with autism, with the aim of identifying new targets of pain treatment for them.
Pain sensitivity and endogenous pain modulation in autistic adults. National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Aging
Failla, M.D. (PI), Monroe, T.B. (Co-I)
R21AG080308. 2023-2025. $421,625
For adults with autism, communicating about pain may be difficult and result in barriers to adequate pain management and medical care. The aim of this project is to understand how pain may differ for adults with autism to reduce suffering and minimize the effects of mismanaged pain on their lives.
Building Social and Structural Connections for the Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder among Youth Experiencing Homelessness: An RCT Examining Biopsychosocial Mechanisms. National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse
Ford, J. (PI), Slesnick, N. (PI), Boettner, B. (Co-I), Browning, C. (Co-I), Feng, X. (Co-I), Yilmazer, T. (Co-I)
R01DA059411. 2023-2028. $6,901,013
Multiple social determinants of health underlie negative health outcomes among youth experiencing homelessness, including a lack of stable safe housing, income, education, food security, access to services, and intervention options as well as high levels of discrimination, victimization and social isolation. This project aims to identify effective strategies and systems to address the issue of opioid use disorder among youth experiencing homelessness.
Evaluating a multi-modal maternal infant perinatal outpatient delivery system: A randomized controlled trial (MOMI PODS RCT). National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research
Gillespie, S.L. (PI), Brill, S. (PI), Bunger, A. (Co-I),
Dixon-Shambley, K. (Co-I), Jancsura, M. (Co-I), Wei, L. (Co-I)
R01NR021111. 2023-2028. $3,826,131
In the United States, deaths related to pregnancy have more than doubled over the last 20 years, with an additional rise after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Multi-modal Maternal Infant Perinatal Outpatient Delivery System (MOMI PODS) is a program designed to address this alarming trend. MOMI PODS delivers care to mothers and infants together and provides multiple types of support during the year after pregnancy. The aim of the trial is to determine if MOMI PODS improves heart, metabolic and mental health among new mothers and to study how this may occur and how to improve the program to better meet patient and family needs.
Translating Immunomonitoring Methods for Clinical Use among Expectant Mothers. Accelerator Award from Ohio Development Services Agency, Ohio Third Frontier Technology Validation and Start-up Fund
Gillespie, S.L. (PI), Brill, S. (Co-I), Felix, A. (Co-I), Kniss, D. (Co-I), Mackos, A. (Co-I)
2023-2024. $150,000
The accelerator funds will support the rendering, prototyping and testing of a clinical immunomonitoring kit, which will allow clinical personnel to execute Gillespie’s novel immunomonitoring method for the prediction of risk for future spontaneous preterm birth easily, accurately and consistently within the clinical setting.
Testing Communication Decision Support Tool with ICU Nurses. Healthy State Alliance Momentum Grant with Bon Secours Mercy Health System, Inc.
Happ, M.B. (PI), Justice, S. (Co-I), Nease, E. (Co-PI),
Tate, J. (Co-PI)
2023-2024. $49,995.
Communication failure is a critical factor in errors and patient safety incidents, and patients with communication impairments are at three-fold risk for adverse events. This study will prospectively evaluate the acceptability and usability of a web-based patient communication decision support tool with ICU nurses at two Healthy State Alliance sites.
Inflammatory potential of diet and cardiovascular health after pregnancy. Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International nuMoM2b Heart Health
Study Scholars
Jancsura, M. (PI), Helsabeck, N. (Co-I)
2023-2024. $20,000
The NHLBI-supported nuMoM2b Heart Health Study 2 (HHS2) project encompasses preparatory activities, consultation on data analyses, drafting of a complete manuscript based on the data analyses and submission of the manuscript on the topic of inflammatory potential of diet and cardiovascular health after pregnancy to a peer-reviewed journal for publication.
Health Center Program Service Expansion – School Based Service Sites. HRSA
Rinehart, C. (PD)
H2ECS50206. 2023-2025. $250,000
This HRSA award provides funds to The Ohio State University Total Health and Wellness Clinic to expand mental health and primary care services at the St. Vincent Family Services site.
Health Center COVID-19 Bridge Access Program. HRSA
Rinehart, C. (PD)
H8LCS50824. 2023-2024. $11,782
This HRSA award funding supports Covid-19 outreach, testing, and vaccination services.
Improve Maternal Health and Wellbeing: Opioid Prevention Education. Columbus Chapter of
The Links Incorporated
Williams, K.P. (PI), Hood, D. (Co-I), Stanford, S. (Co-I)
As part of the Columbus chapter of the Links Incorporated’s “Project LEAD (Links Erase Alcohol and Drug abuse) High Expectations: Opioid Epidemic ‘No Thank You’ Campaign,” the Martha Pitzer Center for Women, Children, and Youth at The Ohio State University, College of Nursing will partner to implement a two-phased opioid awareness and education program for females who are reproductive age (15-44), primarily focusing on Black females.
Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Statewide Resource Program. Ohio Department of Administrative Services. Collaborating sites: Alzheimer’s Association, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, MemoryLane Care Services, Miami University Scripps Gerontology Center, Ohio Council for Cognitive Health, Summit County Public Health
Rose, K. (PD), Happ, M.B. (Co-PD), Jarrot, S. (Co-I),
Monroe, T. B. (Co-I), Mion, L.C. (Co-I), Moss, K.O. (Co-I), Scharre, D. (Co-I), Tate, J.A. (Co-I), Wright, K.D. (Co-I)
CSP010818. 2023-2024. $2,500,000
The mission of the Alzheimer’s and related dementias statewide resource program is to develop and strengthen knowledge, skills, and support for family and formal care partners across Ohio. Collaborators will conduct research on interventions and cost-effective outcomes important to support family and formal care partners; establish a unique care partner-focused center; offer virtual and in-person training by collaborating with community-based organizations; and build partnerships with first responders, healthcare providers, employers and other support personnel.
Improving Health Equity in Diverse Communities through a Personal Health Literacy Course.
Ohio State Energy Partners
Zadvinskis, I., Hoying, J.
This educational program aims to help people serving and living in diverse communities improve their personal health literacy. The grant supports a one-day educational program to improve personal health literacy for community health workers.
In this Issue
- Meet Dean Karen Rose
- Buckeye Nursing Story Slam
- Beth Steinberg and Buckeye Paws
- Buck-I-SERV Goes to Ghana
- A Buckeye Nursing Family
- Grants Roundup
- When Microaggressions Affect LGBTQ Health
- In the Research Realm with Emily Rice
- EBP National Summit
- Shaunta Stanford and the Community Health Workers
- Joy and Milestones
- Alumni in Action: Chris Connors