Karen O. Moss

Karen Moss portrait
First Name
Karen O.
Last Name
Assistant Professor
368 Newton Hall
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295 W. 10th Ave.
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Research Interest 

Dr. Karen Moss’ research program focuses on improving palliative and end-of-life outcomes through pain, advance care planning, and peers support for Black American older adults living with dementia and their family caregivers. She examines multiple perspectives on factors that influence decision-making processes for Black American older adults living with dementia and their family caregivers. This includes examining pain and stress in older adults living with dementia and their family caregivers. Dr. Moss’ research is also focused on developing and testing Pair 2 Care©, a co-created peer support intervention to support Black American family caregivers of people living with dementia. Through her work, Dr. Moss and her team are working to improve the quality of life of Black family caregivers and their older adults living with dementia. She is the principal investigator in the Family Caregiver Community Research (FamCare) Laboratory and member of the Pain and Aging Lab. Dr. Moss is also an assistant professor and mixed methods core faculty member in the Center for Health Outcomes in Medicine, Scholarship and Service (HOMES) in the Division of Internal Medicine in the College of Medicine.

View publications



  • Moss, K. O. (2024, April 16). Why Pair to Care© is a crutial program for Black caregivers of people living with dementia. Generations. American Society on Aging. https://generations.asaging.org/why-pair-2-care-crucial-program-black-caregivers-people-dementia
  • Moss, K. O. (2024, March). Support for caregivers. Caregiver SOS Radio Podcast. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://omny.fm/shows/caregiver-sos/cgsos-3-9-24-karen-moss-final__;!!KGKeukY!3kRxPPhhJ4sHuak-68W7nMu1T8zyr3Z1qBfiG3ZlUz6D1PoiBZKg74BMKafR56tUb_t6p_g5fo3XJq0sAvYtf_U$
  • Moss, K. O., Tambor, E., & Plys, E. (2024, January). Best Practices 3 & 4 for integrating health equity into ePCTs for dementia care: Community partner engagement part 2. NIA IMPACT Collaboratory. https://www.impactepcttraining.org/mod/page/view.php?id=312&forceview=1
  • Moss, K. O., Bennett, A., Ritchie, C., & Zimmerman, S. (2024, January). Best Practices 1 & 2 for integrating health equity into ePCTs for dementia care: Selecting outcomes part 1. NIA IMPACT Collaboratory. https://www.impactepcttraining.org/mod/h5pactivity/view.php?id=359
  • Moss, K. O. & Wright, K. D. (2023, September). 2nd Annual Brain Health Fair, Gille Center, Columbus, OH. CBS 10TV News
  • Epps, F., & Moss, K. O. (2023, September 21). Black/African American caregivers of older adults living with dementia: Fayron Epps and Karen Moss. GeriPal Podcast. https://geripal.org/black-african-american-caregivers-of-older-adults-living-with-dementia-fayron-epps-and-karen-moss/
  • Moss, K. O. (Executive Producer), Spencer, B. (Director), & Dell, A. (Videographer and Editor). (2023, April). Nursing home decision scenario [Pair 2 Care© Program Training Video]. College of Nursing, The Ohio State University, Cambia Health.
  • Moss, K. O. (Executive Producer), Spencer, B. (Director), & Dell, A. (Videographer and Editor). (2023, February). Near end-of-life scenario [Pair 2 Care© Program Training Video]. College of Nursing, The Ohio State University, Cambia Health.
  • Moss, K. O. (Executive Producer), Spencer, B. (Director), & Dell, A. (Videographer and Editor). (2023, February). Happy peer connection [Pair 2 Care© Program Training Video]. College of Nursing, The Ohio State University, Cambia Health.
  • Moss, K. O. (Executive Producer), Spencer, B. (Director), & Dell, A. (Videographer and Editor). (2023, February). Support for caregivers [Pair 2 Care© Program Training Video]. College of Nursing, The Ohio State University, Cambia Health.
  • Moss, K. O. (2022, August 18). Caregiver stress [Interview for online publication]. WebMD©. Alone Together: Caregivers and Loved Ones Struggle with Alzheimer’s. Author: Jeanne Erdmann.
  • Moss, K. O. (2022, January). What is dementia? [Online educational series]. African American Alzheimer’s and Wellness Association, Columbus, OH.
  • Moss, K. O., & Crum, M. (2021, November 24). Aging in full bloom [Podcast]. OSU researchers need your help to understand Alzheimer’s with Dr. Karen Moss & Michelle Crum. Host: Lisa Stockdale.
  • Moss, K. O., & Nguyen, C. (Guest Panelists). (2021, November 15). Nutrition for Life. Trinidadian International Radio. Moderator: Dr. Kathy Wright. Host: Dr. Ingrid Adams.
  • Moss, K. O. (Guest). (2021, November 9). Future planning for your loved one living with dementia. Nutrition for Life. Trinidadian International Radio. Moderator: Dr. Kathy Wright. Host: Dr. Ingrid Adams.
  • Moss, K. O. (2020, June 15). Family caregiving [Interview]. Oprah Magazine.
  • Moss, K. O., Smith, S., & Stiltner, A. (2014, September 15). Physician order for scope of treatment community event [Television interview]. NBC 29. Charlottesville, VA.
  • Moss, K. O., Smith, S., & Stiltner, A. (2014, September 15). Physician order for scope of treatment community event [Radio interview]. 1070 WINA News Radio. Charlottesville, VA.
  • Moss, K. O., & Wolf, A. (2014, April 21). Nursing and the Jonas Award [Radio interview]. University of Virginia Radio WTJU 91.1FM. Charlottesville, VA.
  • Moss K. O. (2014, April 12). A chat with Karen Moss [Interview]. The Cavalier Daily Newspaper. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
  • Moss, K. O. Advance Planning for the Inevitable. Episode 39. Shifting Perspectives with Yolande Robinson. E. Spotify. yolanderobinson.com/podcast
National Reports

Aranda, M. P., Ali, T., Barnette, W., Brammer, B., Brandt, K., Cruz, R., Downer, M., Fashaw-Walters, S., Foss, D., Gutierrez-Parker, L., Hinton, L., James, F. G., Epstein-Lubow, G., Malone, C., Michael, C., Moss, K., Peak, K. D., & Rocha, J. S. (2023). 2022-2023 lived experience panel report: Voices of the Lived Experience Panel: Health equity in dementia care and research. NIA IMPACT Collaboratory.

Funded Research Grants
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