Grants Roundup
Hybrid Delivery to Increase Access and Sustainability: Evaluating ezParent Implementation. National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Breitenstein, S. (PI), Berteletti, J. (Co-I), Bettencourt, A.F. (Co-I), Gross, D. (Co-I), Helsabeck, N.P. (Co-I), Herbell, K. (Co-I)
R42HD116627. 2024-2028. $2,352,329
Positive parenting practices help support optimal child social and emotional development. Parent training is considered a gold standard for supporting and strengthening parenting practices and for the treatment and prevention of child behavior problems. This study will develop and test a comprehensive implementation package (the ezParent Bundle) supporting the hybrid delivery of the ezParent Program with the goal of creating sustainable and accessible methods for community-based delivery.
Reducing disparities in healthcare utilization among healthcare support workers. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation with University of California, Davis. Betty Irene Moore Fellowship Program for Nurse Leaders and Innovators
Jun, J. (PI), Tubbs Cooley, H.L. (Mentor), Melnyk, B.M. (Co-Mentor), Tan, A. (Co-I)
A20-2995-S055. 2024-2027. $500,000
This research aims to holistically understand the role of work-related factors on healthcare disparities by comprehensively examining the barriers and facilitators of healthcare utilization of healthcare support workers. The findings from this project will provide much-needed empirical evidence on the health and healthcare utilization of healthcare support workers using their voices to identify potential solutions. The long-term goal of this project is to unpack the underlying mechanisms of systemic disparities to generate actionable and tailored organizational and policy intervention factors that will improve healthcare utilization of healthcare support workers, thus improving their health and well-being.
Why Some Succeed While Others Don’t: Decoding the Black Box of Behavior Change - Utilizing Grounded Theory to Uncover Mechanisms of Exercise Adoption and Maintenance (TEAM Study). The Ohio State University Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity RAISE seed grant.
Nemati, D. (PI), Joseph, J. (Co-I)
2024-2025. $5,000
This study aims to identify behavioral determinants and processes that explain successful exercise initiation, adoption and adherence among African American men with cardiovascular disease risk factors. The TEAM study focuses on developing a theory or model that describes the key mechanisms facilitating or hindering exercise engagement among this population.
Equity for Parent Presence and Participation in Caregiving in the NICU. National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Nist, M.D. (PI), Pickler, R.H. (PI), Nelin, L.D. (Co-I), Segre, L.S. (Co-I), Shoben, A.B. (Co-I)
R01HD113525. 2024-2029. $3,160,944
This research study will determine the many influences on parent presence and participation in caregiving in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the importance of parent presence and participation for clinical and developmental outcomes of preterm infants. By studying these influences and how they change during an infant’s NICU hospitalization, specific interventions can be developed to improve infant outcomes. The study will also provide information to better understand race- and socioeconomic-based disparities in parent presence and participation to increase health equity.
Sustainable Capacity Building in One Health and Emergency Research Ethics (SCOHERE). National Institutes of Health/Fogarty International Center
O’Mathúna, D.P. (PI), Amugune, B.K. (Co-I), Nguta, J.M. (Co-I), Mbugua, K. (Co-I)
R25TW012217. 2024-2025. $94,235
One Health research is increasingly seen as important to understand public health at the intersection of human, animal and environmental factors (as clearly demonstrated by COVID-19 and Ebola). One Health research raises complex ethical challenges because different proposals may be more favorable for humans, for animals or for the environment. This supplement will provide short-course educational materials to build bioethics capacity among One Health researchers, research ethics committee members (REC) and ethics regulatory body (ERB) members in Kenya and provide research practicum experiences for three Kenyan trainees.
Behavioral Health Service Expansion. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Rinehart, C. (PD)
FY 2024 H8NCS53826. 2024-2026. $1,100,000
This HRSA award provides funds to develop a new Behavioral Health Department at The Ohio State University Total Health Care Center (formerly Total Health and Wellness) to expand and coordinate mental health and substance use disorder services across the four health center sites.
Equity-focused Approach to Reduce Racial Disparities in High Blood Pressure Control. American Heart Association
Rinehart, C. (PD)
2024-2026. $60,000
This award funding supports The Ohio State University Total Health Care Center (formerly Total Health and Wellness) clinic’s participation in the American Heart Association’s Integrated, Equity-focused Approach to Reduce Racial Disparities in High Blood Pressure Control Initiative.
Maternal and Birthing Support Through Resources, Advocacy and Community Connections Initiative. The Ohio State University Outreach and Engagement seed grant award with funding match from the Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth
Stanford, S. (PI), Gunther, C. (Co-I)
2024-2025. $30,000
This grant aims to establish a community-based doula pilot program at the College of Nursing. The program will train Community Health Workers (CHWs) as doulas and collaborate with local health organizations to address health equity gaps and improve maternal and birth outcomes.
In this Issue
- DNE: The Change Agents
- Clinician Well-Being Summit
- From Lab to Life
- Expanding Community Care
- Reaching out to Taiwan
- Buckeye Inspiration: David Hiatt
- Brain Health Fair
- Grants Roundup
- Student Life: Isabelle Meehan
- Connecting Young People in Crisis to Health and Hope
- Alumni in Action: Jeri Milstead
- Putting Our Heads Together for Brain Health