Building mental resiliency, coping skills and overall well-being through evidence-based programs for clinicians and young adults
Backed by 20 studies, MINDSTRONG and MINDBODYSTRONG participants demonstrate a significant reduction in stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation as well as improved healthy lifestyle behaviors and academic performance after completion of this seven-week course.
An Evidence-based Program for Clinicians
The healthcare industry is in the midst of a public health crisis in relation to the high numbers of clinicians who experience burnout, depression and suicidal ideation. To improve clinician health and well-being, organizations must address system failures and provide clinicians with evidence-based interventions to foster emotional regulation and stress reduction. MINDBODYSTRONG is a cognitive behavioral skills building (CBSB) program that provides a theory-based approach to improve mental health, healthy lifestyle beliefs and behaviors, and job satisfaction in clinicians. Numerous studies have reported that MINDBODYSTRONG decreases symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and job burnout.
MINDBODYSTRONG consists of seven manualized weekly 35-45-minute sessions led by a trained facilitator.
Participant benefits include:
- Preventative cognitive-behavioral/coping techniques to enhance resiliency and mental well-being
- Tailored methods to reach those impacted by stress, anxiety and/or depression who need to quickly put cognitive-behavioral and resiliency skills into practice
- Development of protective factors that improve overall health and well-being
- Enhanced self-esteem
- Reduced stress
- Improved mental resiliency
- Improved healthy lifestyle behaviors
- Enhanced emotional regulation
- Nurses who complete MINDBODYSTRONG delivered by Ohio State will earn 8.75 continuing education units.
This evidence-based program was created and tested by Dr. Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk through 20 years of research with positive outcomes on a variety of mental health, healthy lifestyle behaviors and academic outcomes. Findings from studies indicate that the program is effective in lowering depression, anxiety/stress, suicidal ideation and improving healthy lifestyle behaviors in over 20 intervention studies. Dr. Jacqueline Hoying, program director, is a wellness expert and skilled facilitator in MINDBODYSTRONG. She conducts facilitator workshops nationally to train others to deliver the program and serves as Co-PI for additional studies that continue to evaluate the program.
An Evidence-based Program for Adults
Backed by 20 studies, MINDSTRONG is an evidence-based cognitive behavioral skills-building program with a goal of building resiliency and coping skills to improve overall adult health and well-being. The aim of this seven-session program is to improve mental health and equip adults and college students with skills that have been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as enhance healthy lifestyle behaviors.
Today’s fast-paced life has many challenges, including raising children, caring for aging or ill parents, fostering positive personal relationships, juggling work demands and managing valuable time. Developing skills to deal successfully with these demands can create a resilient, healthier adult. As a society, we are experiencing high rates of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety and chronic stress. One out of two adults also has a chronic condition such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity, which also cause high levels of stress. However, 80% of chronic disease is preventable with healthy lifestyle behaviors. The MINDSTRONG program will provide evidence-based cognitive-behavioral skills that will empower one to cope well with life’s stressors and support an optimal state of well-being.
Adults registered to attend courses through Extended Education at the Office of Distance Education and eLearning may be interested in the NURSING 5115 MINDSTRONG course. Ohio State University and Wexner Medical Center faculty and staff may be eligible for tuition assistance. To learn more, please reference the faculty and staff tuition assistance website.
MINDSTRONG for College Students
Rates of depression, anxiety, and burnout continue to rise in young adults. Roughly one in three students have suffered from a mental health disorder prior to arriving at college. Transitioning from high school to college or from undergraduate to graduate school is a stressful time for many students and can compound or ignite a mental health crisis. To improve student mental health, institutions of higher education must promote cultures of wellness and provide students with the skills they need to thrive during school and beyond. MINDSTRONG is a cognitive behavioral skills building (CBSB) program that teaches students how to regulate their emotions, cope with stressors in positive ways and problem solve using healthier coping. The program builds mental resiliency and improves student overall health and well-being. MINDSTRONG consists of seven manualized weekly 35-45-minute sessions led by a trained facilitator.
NURSING 5115 MINDSTRONG Course – 1 credit hour (The Ohio State University students only)
This seven-week course is an evidence-based cognitive skills-building program with a goal of improving resiliency and self-protective factors for your overall well-being. The purpose is to improve overall mental and physical health and support positive adaptation to stress, anxiety and depression. The course provides seven synchronous sessions with practice following each session and supports positive behavior patterns. Sixteen research studies confirm MINDSTRONG’s ability to lower stress, depression, and anxiety in students who have elevated symptoms. For those without symptoms, MINDSTRONG content increases healthy coping.
Participant benefits include:
- Preventative cognitive-behavioral/coping techniques to enhance resiliency and mental well-being
- Tailored methods to reach those impacted by stress, anxiety and/or depression who need to quickly put cognitive-behavioral and resiliency skills into practice
- Development of protective factors that improve overall health and well-being
- Enhanced self-esteem
- Reduced stress
- Improved mental resiliency
- Improved healthy lifestyle behaviors
- Enhanced emotional regulation
This program was created and tested by Dr. Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk through 20 years of research with positive outcomes on a variety of mental health, healthy lifestyle behaviors and academic outcomes. Findings from studies indicate that the program is effective in lowering depression, anxiety/stress and suicidal ideation as well as improving healthy lifestyle behaviors. Dr. Jacqueline Hoying, program director, is a wellness expert and skilled facilitator in MINDSTRONG. She conducts facilitator workshops nationally to train others to deliver the program and serves as Co-PI for ongoing research studies.
Organizational Services:
We offer customized and tailored packages for organizations interested in bringing our MINDBODYSTRONG or MINDSTRONG program to you. Our organizational services include:
- Individual consulting – regarding implementation of MINDSTRONG or MINDBODYSTRONG with your organizational activities, private practice, etc.
- Data analysis – a survey of your participants at baseline and immediate post-participation with summary analysis
- Direct delivery of MINDSTRONG and MINDBODYSTRONG to an external group by an Ohio State Facilitator – maximum cohort size is 20 participants
- Licensing the program for larger organizations – for institutions of higher education, healthcare organizations, etc., that plan to enroll large numbers
- Booster session to retrain Facilitators – required 2 years after initial training as a facilitator to continue delivering MINDSTRONG or MINDBODYSTRONG
For more information about organizational services, pricing or scheduling, please use the email below to contact us!
- Buffington, B.C., Melnyk, B.M., Morales, S., Lords, A., & Zupan, M.R. (2016). Effects of an energy balance educational intervention and the COPE cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for Division I U.S. Air Force Academy female athletes. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 28(4), 181-187. DOI: 10.1002/2327-6924.12359
- Hart Abney, B.G., Lusk, P., Hovermale, R. & Melnyk, B.M. (2019). Decreasing Depression and Anxiety in College Youth Using the Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment Program (COPE). Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 25(2), 89-98. doi: 10.1177/1078390318779205.
- Hoying, J. & Melnyk, B.M. (2016). COPE: A pilot study with urban-dwelling minority sixth grade youth to improve physical activity and mental health outcomes. Journal of School Nursing, 32(5), 347-356. doi: 10.1177/1059840516635713
- Hoying, J., Melnyk, B.M., & Arcoleo, K. (2016). Effects of the COPE Cognitive Behavioral Skills Building TEEN Program on the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Mental Health of Appalachian Early Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 30(1), 65-72. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2015.02.005.
- Kozlowski, J., Lusk, P, & Melnyk, B.M. (2015). Pediatric nurse practitioner management of child anxiety in the rural primary care clinic with the evidence-based COPE. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29(3), 274-282. doi: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2015.01.009.
- Lusk, P., Hart Abney, B.G., & Melnyk, B.M. (2018). A Successful Model for Clinical Training in Child/Adolescent Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Graduate Psychiatric Advanced Practice Nursing Students. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 24(5), 457-468. doi: 10.1177/1078390317723989.
- Lusk, P. & Melnyk, B.M. (2011a). COPE for the treatment of depressed adolescents. Lessons learned from implementing an evidence-based practice change. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 17(4), 297-309. doi: 10.1177/1078390311416117.
- Lusk, P., & Melnyk, B.M. (2011b). The brief cognitive-behavioral COPE intervention for depressed adolescents: Outcomes and feasibility of delivery in 30-minute outpatient visits. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 17(3), 226-236. doi: 10.1177/1078390311404067.
- Lusk, P., & Melnyk, B.M. (2013). COPE for depressed and anxious teens: A brief cognitive-behavioral skills building intervention to increase access to timely, evidence-based treatment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 26(1), 23-31. DOI:10.1111/jcap.12017
- Lusk, P., & Melnyk, B.M. (2018). Decreasing Depression and Anxiety in College Youth Using the Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment Program (COPE). Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 25(2), 89-98. doi: 10.1177/1078390318779205.
- Melnyk, B.M., Amaya, M., Szalacha, L.A., Hoying, J., Taylor, T. & Bowersox, K. (2015a). Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Effects of the COPE On-line Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Building Program on Mental Health Outcomes and Academic Performance in Freshmen College Students: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 28(3), 147-154. DOI: 10.1111/jcap.12119
- Melnyk, B.M, Hoying, J., & Tan, A. (2020). Effects of the MINDSTRONG© CBT-based program on depression, anxiety and healthy lifestyle behaviors in graduate health sciences students. Journal of American College Health: J of ACH, 1–9. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2020.1782922
- Melnyk, B.M., Jacobson, D., Kelly, S.A., Belyea, M.J., Shaibi, G.Q., Small, L., O’Haver, J.A., & Marsiglia, F.F. (2015b). Twelve-Month Effects of the COPE Healthy Lifestyles TEEN Program on Overweight and Depression in High School Adolescents. Journal of School Health, 85(12), 861-870. doi: 10.1111/josh.12342.
- Melnyk, B.M., Jacobson, D., Kelly, S., Belyea, M., Shaibi, G., Small, L., O’Haver, J., & Marsiglia, F.F. (2013a). Promoting healthy lifestyles in high school adolescents: A randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 45(4), 407-415. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2013.05.013
- Melnyk, B.M., Kelly, S., Jacobson, D., Arcoleo, K., & Shaibi, G. (2013b). Improving physical activity, mental health outcomes and academic retention of college students with freshman 5 to thrive: COPE/healthy lifestyles. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioner, 26(6), 314-322. doi: 10.1002/2327-6924.12037.
- Melnyk, B., Kelly, S., Jacobson, D., Belyea, M., Shaibi, G., Small, L., O’Haver, J., & Marsiglia, F.F. (2013c). The COPE healthy lifestyles TEEN randomized controlled trial with culturally diverse high school adolescents: Baseline characteristics and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 36(1), 41-53. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2013.05.013.
- Melnyk, B.M., Kelly, S., & Lusk, P. (2014). Outcomes and feasibility of a manualized cognitive-behavioral skills building intervention: Group COPE for depressed and anxious adolescents in school settings. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 27(1), 3-13. doi: 10.1111/jcap.12058
- Sampson, M., Melnyk, B.M., Hoying, J. (2019). Intervention effects of the MINDBODYSTRONG cognitive behavioral skills building program on newly licensed registered nurses' mental health, healthy lifestyle behaviors, and job satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Administration; 49(10), 487-495. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000792.
- Sampson, M., Melnyk, B.M., & Hoying, J. (2020). The MINDBODYSTRONG Intervention for New Nurse Residents: 6 Month Effects on Mental Health Outcomes, Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Job Satisfaction. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 17 (1), 16– 23.
Melnyk, B.M., Hoying, J., Hsieh, A.M., Buffington, B., Terry, A., & Moore, R. (in press). Effects of the MINDSTRONG Cognitive-Behavioral Skills Building Program on the Mental Health Outcomes and Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors in Veterinary Medicine Students. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
For more information or if you have questions about how to get involved with MINDSTRONG please reach out to us at mindstrong@osu.edu.