Grants Roundup
by Alison Grizzard
Virtual Reality Simulation for competency-based nurse practitioner curriculum (VR-NP). American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Casler, K. (PI), Gawlik, K. (Co-I).
2022-2023. $25,000.
The VR-NP project will assimilate evidence surrounding virtual reality simulation and competency-based education into an online graduate family nurse practitioner curriculum.
Optimizing residential treatment gains for adolescents through tailored behavioral parent training. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Mental Health.
Herbell, K. (PI), Breitenstein, S. (Co-I), Melnyk, B.M. (Co-I), Tan, A. (Co-I).
R34MH126008. 2022-2025. $708,750.
The project focuses on families with adolescents (aged 11-17) transitioning from psychiatric residential treatment (RT) to the community. The project uses an established web-based parent training program called Parenting Wisely to provide parents with tailored education and support. Parents who complete the program will be equipped with the behavior management skillset to provide structure in the home and ultimately maintain RT treatment gains.
A Family-Dyad-focused Diabetes Self-Management Intervention for African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Hu, J. (PI), Bartle-Haring, S. (Co-I), Miller, C. (Co-I), Mion, L.C. (Co-I), Tan, A. (Co-I), Joseph, J.J. (Collaborator).
R01DK129435. 2023-2026. $945,000.
This study will contribute to the development of a family dyad-focused intervention as an effective approach with a long-term goal of improving glycemic control and health-related quality of life for African Americans.
Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) plus MINDBODYSTRONG: A Mental Health Resiliency Intervention for Nurses. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).
Melnyk, B.M. (PI), Davidson, J.E. (Co-I), Hoying, J. (Co-I), Sampson, M. (Co-I), Tucker, S. (Co-I), Tan, A. (Co-I), Zisook, S. (Co-I).
2022-2025. $1,498,915.
This project aims to assess acceptability and usability and obtain feedback for refinement of a digitalized, online interactive version of the MINDBODYSTRONG© cognitive-behavioral skills building program and the Healer Education Assessment and Referral (HEAR) screening and referral program on nurse depression, suicidal ideation, post-traumatic stress, burnout, anxiety, healthy lifestyle beliefs, healthy lifestyle behaviors and job satisfaction.
Pair 2 Care: Peer Support for Caregivers of African Americans Living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Cambia Health Foundation Sojourns Scholar Leadership Program.
Moss, K. (PI), Tan, A. (Co-I), Brody, A. (Mentor), Happ, M.B. (Mentor).
2022-2024. $180,000.
This project uses a stakeholder-informed approach to further develop and pilot test the culturally tailored caregiver support program, Pair 2 Care. Trained former caregivers will be paired with current caregivers for peer mentorship.
FY 2023 Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination Funds. Health Resources and Services Administration.
Rinehart, C. (PD).
H8GCS48520. 2022-2023. $68,476.
This award supports the Health Center’s work in expanding COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the community.
Mentoring to be active: peer mentoring to mitigate obesity and extreme obesity in rural Appalachian children. American Diabetes Association.
Smith, L.H. (PI), Petosa, R.L. (Co-I), Tan, A. (Co-I).
11-22-ICTSN-30. 2022-2025. $598,768.
The goal of this study is to reduce the high rates of overweight, obesity and extreme obesity contributing to type 2 diabetes in rural Appalachia youth through a peer-supported, parent-involved program for middle school-aged youth to become more physically active. The program focuses on lifestyle, home and neighborhood factors unique to rural Appalachia.
Cognitive Training for Cancer-related Cognitive Impairment: A Multi-Center Randomized Controlled Trial. National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute.
Von Ah, D. (MPI), Ganz, P. (MPI), McDonald, B.C. (MPI), Bandos, H. (Co-I), Cagigas, X.E. (Co-I), Yothers, G. (Co-I), Hughes-Halbert, C. (Collaborator), Watkins Bruner, D. (Collaborator).
R01CA276222. 2023-2028. $2,766,520.
This trial will leverage the NCI National Community Oncology Research Program and NCI National Clinical Trials Network sites to conduct the first national, full-scale test of a computerized cognitive training program (BrainHQ) against a computerized active attention control program to improve self-reported (perceived) and objective (performance) cognitive functioning in breast cancer survivors with cancer and cancer treatment-related cognitive impairment to help provide evidence to guide clinicians’ recommendations and survivors’ treatment selection for managing this prevalent, persistent, disruptive and often
debilitating problem.
Cardiovascular Health among Pre-School Caregivers. Kellogg Foundation.
Williams, K.P. (PI), Hood, D. (Co-I), Warren, B. (Co-I).
P-6010155-2022. 2023. $107,000.
This study is a one-year pilot with a Head Start center located in the King-Lincoln District of Columbus, Ohio, to understand how lifestyle conditions of female caregivers (mothers, guardians and staff) can affect them positively, giving them resilience, as well as how conditions that affect them negatively lead to increased stress and allostatic load.