Ohio Programs and Services

What are you looking for?

A medical assessment to determine or confirm whether someone has dementia

Examples: comprehensive medical exam; dementia diagnostic assessment; neuropsychological testing

Basic information on memory loss or dementia

Examples: recognizing symptoms and warning signs; treatment options; normal aging vs. dementia; assistance for persons living with memory loss or dementia and support for family and friend caregivers

Care planning and managing care for memory loss, dementia and caregiving

Examples: find solutions to concerns or problems; personalized care planning; find and coordinate medical and non-medical services; emotional support

Strategies for coping with caregiving, care tasks and competing responsibilities

Examples: performing caregiving tasks; managing symptoms; effective communication techniques; effective coping; personal care and daily activities; emotional support

Programs and services for memory problems, dementia or other health problems

Examples: healthcare and community services; support for caregivers; help with daily activities, personal care, transportation, case management; care facilities

Breaks from caregiving

Examples: places where people with dementia can stay to receive care for all or part of the day; staff who come to the home to provide care; facilities where people with dementia can stay overnight

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