Celebrating Our New Books
by Elisabeth Mach
Over the past year, many College of Nursing faculty have hit an exciting milestone in their careers: publishing a book. Tim Raderstorf, DNP, RN, and Kate Gawlik, DNP, APRN-CNP, FAANP, both first-time textbook editors, felt that this experience was especially meaningful and impactful. “Having an avenue to potentially broaden my scope of impact on our profession beyond the walls of Newton Hall is incredibly exciting and humbling,” said Raderstorf.
Neither Raderstorf or Gawlik imagined publishing a textbook one day. “I remember being in graduate school and holding one of my huge textbooks and thinking to myself, 'who writes these things?' Now I know – it is crazy people like me,” said Gawlik.
Writing and editing a textbook takes extensive time and dedication. “It was an amazing feeling seeing the final product after spending over a year and a half of my life working on it,” said Gawlik. “It feels good to be part of something that will hopefully be meaningful and make a difference.”
Experienced textbook writers and editors find that each project presents new challenges.“We wanted to present information that wasn’t written about in standard textbooks,” said Dianne Morrison-Beedy, PhD, WHNP, FNAP, FAANP, FAAN, of Intervention Research and Evidence-based Quality Improvement, Second Edition: Designing, Conducting, Analyzing and Funding, which she co-edited with Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, PhD, APRN-CNP, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN. Morrison-Beedy and Melnyk gathered and presented several real-life experiences of successful researchers so that, in Morrison-Beedy’s words, “the reader feels like they have a trusted mentor or colleague sitting next to them explaining the details of how to carry out research and evidence-based practice quality improvement projects.”

Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk, co-editor of three new books, is The Ohio State University chief wellness officer, vice president for health promotion, College of Nursing dean and professor and executive director of the Helene Fuld Trust National Institute for EBP.

Evidence-based Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare edited by Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Tim Raderstorf provides a practical leadership approach for today’s healthcare environment. Rooted in AACN essentials for DNP and master’s education, this textbook focuses on best practice applications for healthcare and non-healthcare industries to improve outcomes in real-world settings. It provides innovative and evidence-based leadership strategies that build creative, high-functioning and sustainable organizations.
Raderstorf is the chief innovation officer for the college and an assistant professor of clinical practice.

Evidence-based Physical Examination edited by Kate Gawlik, Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Alice Teall, DNP, APRN-CNP, FAANP, is the first book to teach physical assessment techniques based on evidence and clinical relevance. The book uses a holistic approach grounded in science and research to provide practicing clinicians and students with information about advanced history-taking and evidence-based physical assessment techniques. Each chapter uses a lifespan approach, features important normal and abnormal findings, and focuses on the assessment of patients’ health and well-being. It also offers unique chapters written by experts that are not typically found in other assessment books.
Gawlik and Teall are both assistant professors of clinical nursing.

Fast Facts in Health Informatics for Nurses by Lynda Hardy, PhD, RN, FAAN, provides an overview of informatics knowledge, empowering nurses to use data to optimize patient outcomes. This book provides nurses and students with an introduction to informatics – an important factor in providing quality patient care – and its impact on patient lives. Fast Facts in Health Informatics for Nurses connects day-to-day informatics practices to larger initiatives and perspectives while highlighting the complexities of healthcare data, data mining and data organization.
Hardy is an associate professor of clinical nursing and the director of data science and discovery.

Evidence-informed Health Policy by Jacqueline Loversidge, PhD, RNCAWHC, and Joyce Zurmehly, PhD, RN, focuses on the impact of health policy at the local, state and federal levels on patients, nurses and nursing practice. This book is designed for healthcare professionals who feel intimidated by the complicated policy process or want to take the first step toward implementing policy change. Evidence-informed Health Policy equips nurses and other healthcare professionals with the tools, knowledge and confidence needed to navigate the process of influencing policy.
Loversidge and Zurmehly are both associate professors of clinical nursing.

Intervention Research and Evidence-based Quality Improvement, Second Edition: Designing, Conducting, Analyzing and Funding edited by Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Dianne Morrison-Beedy provides researchers, clinicians and doctoral students with the essentials of intervention research. This second edition of the book contains additional content on evidence-based quality improvement and key strategies for moving research-based interventions into real-world settings rapidly. It also examines the challenges of an increasingly diverse professional research environment. The text covers every phase of the intervention research process, from the pilot study phase to full-scale randomized controlled trials. Content includes designing, conducting, analyzing and funding intervention studies that improve healthcare quality and health outcomes. The text also provides information on writing grant applications and examples of real applications that have been funded by the NIH and other organizations. This book received an AJN Book of the Year Award.
Morrison-Beedy is chief talent and global strategy officer and Centennial Professor of Nursing.

Disasters: Core Concepts and Ethical Theories edited by Dónal P. O’Mathúna, B.Sc. (Pharm), MA, PhD, Vilius Dranseika and Bert Gordjin, is the first book to use a multidisciplinary perspective to examine disasters. Part One is a discussion of the conceptualization of disasters in various academic disciplines. Part Two discusses fundamental normative approaches in moral and political philosophy that can address ethical issues that arise when disasters strike. This book provides disaster scholars and researchers, ethical and political philosophers, policymakers, humanitarians and intergovernmental organizations with an analysis of core concepts that have real-world relevance.
Ethics and Law for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear & Explosive Crises, edited by Dónal P. O’Mathúna, B.Sc. (Pharm), MA, PHD, and Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, analyzes the legal and ethical challenges of preparing for and responding to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) crises. Written by an international panel of leading ethical and legal scholars, this is the first book to evaluate the EU response to a CBRNE crisis in the aftermath of the new wave of terrorists attacks and threats in Europe. It examines crises from the Cherobyl nuclear incident in Russia to the Ebola crisis in Africa. This book is for both students and scholars of bioethics, international law and public health in addition to regulators and administrators developing policy and legislation related to public health planning and emergency responses.
O’Mathúna is an associate professor at the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University and the School of Nursing and Human Sciences at Dublin City University in Ireland.
In this issue
- Message from the Dean
- The Coronavirus Pandemic Hits Home
- Big Dreams are Changing Healthcare in Honduras
- Scholarship recipient proud to pay forward
- Debbie Freece: A lifetime of friendship and support
- Buckeye Nurse-Midwives
- Heartbeat: Nursing students who march
- O-Heart-I-O
- Precepting Nurse-Midwives
- Celebrating Our New Books
- PhD Phenomenon
- Touching Many Lives: Katherine "Kitty" Kisker
- Raderstorf speaks at TEDxColumbus: SPARK
- Build your resilience for optimal well-being