The National Interprofessional Education and Practice Consortium to Advance Million Hearts® is growing and making an impact. A Million Hearts educational module constructed by The Ohio State University Colleges of Nursing, Medicine and Pharmacy is free and online to assist with education and implementation of the Department of Health and Human Services Million Hearts initiative. The Million Hearts educational module was designed for interdisciplinary teamwork by healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals’ students. More than 55 colleges and nearly 1,000 individuals across the country have accessed and are using the educational module, with over 6,000 Americans already screened or educated about the "ABCs" of the Million Hearts initiative. The goals of the educational module are to educate healthcare professional students and healthcare professionals on the Million Hearts initiative, increase Million Hearts screenings, education nationwide and improve population cardiovascular health. Join the National Interprofessional Education and Practice Consortium to Advance Million Hearts and prevent one million heart attacks and strokes by 2017: