Jessica Reuter
Clinical Interest:
I have over 20 years clinical experience in many clinical areas including med-surg, cardiac step-down, outpatient cardiac testing, ER observation, and recovery room (PACU). I have a personal interest in diabetes education and insulin pump therapy.
I am involved in teaching in the undergraduate nursing program, specifically in N 4270 Transition to Professional Practice. I collaborate with the OR at OSWMC to implement the OR specialty elective. I also teach in the online RN to BSN program.
- Undergraduate: Graduated Kent State University with a BSN in 1996
- Graduate: Graduated from Otterbein College with an MSN in Nursing Administration in 2004
Partnership with local STEM academy focuses on student social-emotional learning needs
The vibrant colors and inspirational messages adorning the walls of the Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth at The Ohio State University College of Nursing originated from the minds, hearts and talents of students at Linden-McKinley STEM Academy in Columbus as part of a partnership through the college’s involvement in the school’s “Be The One” program.
The second-round application window for The Ohio State University College of Nursing’s top-ranked Master of Science in Nursing (traditional, post-master’s and