Cindy Anderson

Dr. Cindy Anderson’s research is focused on the study of hypertension in pregnancy and the influence that the maternal pregnant environment has on future development of hypertension in offspring. Recent investigation is targeted towards gene-environment interactions that increase heritable risk for preeclampsia, including the study of disrupted gene function due to changes in DNA methylation. The findings of her research have the potential to significantly improve health outcomes of women and their children through early screening and identification of individuals at risk for preeclampsia across the lifespan.
College ranks #12 overall and #1 among Big Ten and Ohio colleges of nursing
New rankings measuring National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant funding among colleges of nursing nationwide show that The Ohio State University College of Nursing maintained its strong national standing and leadership in nursing research.
Finding suggests need for education about tech's reliability
The use of fertility-tracking technology increased in some states after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade despite warnings that reproduction-related data might not be secure, a new study has found.