Brian Smith
Dr. Brian Smith’s nursing career spans 40 years. He has extensive experience in the ICU and medical-surgical nursing, and he worked as a hospice case manager for 10 years. This associate professor in the College of Nursing became an educator in 2000, aiming to improve students’ critical thinking, communication and assessment skills.
Dr. Smith’s dedication to teaching comes from a calling to support his community through service leadership. He inspires and challenges his students to go beyond their comfort zones and wants them to be happy, even in challenging moments. His future projects include instructional design and incorporating AI and virtual reality into online courses.
Partnership with local STEM academy focuses on student social-emotional learning needs
The vibrant colors and inspirational messages adorning the walls of the Martha S. Pitzer Center for Women, Children and Youth at The Ohio State University College of Nursing originated from the minds, hearts and talents of students at Linden-McKinley STEM Academy in Columbus as part of a partnership through the college’s involvement in the school’s “Be The One” program.
The second-round application window for The Ohio State University College of Nursing’s top-ranked Master of Science in Nursing (traditional, post-master’s and