Summer Institute for Future Nurses
The Summer Institute for Future Nurses is a great way to see why nursing could be right for you!
Join us June 10-12, 2025 on Ohio State’s Columbus campus
The Summer Institute for Future Nurses allows Ohio and out-of-state high school students to experience lectures, our nursing skills lab and panels featuring faculty, nursing students and staff. The Summer Institute for Future Nurses is open to high school freshmen (includes students who will have graduated 8th grade in spring 2025), sophomores, juniors and seniors (including seniors who will be graduating in spring 2025). This program aims to increase the number of historically underrepresented students in nursing. The College of Nursing is actively seeking to increase the diversity of our student population so that we can better serve the nursing profession and the nation’s health. This program is open to applicants who meet the eligibility requirements, without respect to the race or ethnicity of any applicant.
The Summer Institute for Future Nurses is a three-day, in-person program. This is a day program which typically runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Times may vary according to lab and staff availability. Participants are responsible for their own accommodations if they are visiting from outside of Columbus, Ohio. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All admitted students will be provided with a detailed itinerary before the event.
All in-person programming is subject to change following any updates in staffing coverage, lab availability, and in public health and safety guidance.
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes
Throughout the pandemic, The Ohio State University has adapted its actions based on new information and expertise from local, state, and federal health officials as well as our own medical and public health experts. We will continue to follow this approach as we navigate in-person experiences. Masks are required in clinical health care settings (including at the Wexner Medical Center).
Am I eligible to attend the Summer Institute for Future Nurses?
Here are the eligibility requirements:
- Current high school freshmen (includes students who will have graduated 8th grade in the spring), sophomores, juniors and seniors (including seniors who will be graduating in the spring)
- An interest in nursing and interest in pursuing your education at The Ohio State University
- Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
- Completed application, including one short essay
- The application will close on Friday, April 11, 2025 at 8 p.m. ET. Late applications will not be accepted.
- Provide an electronic copy of your most recent transcript
OR recommendation letter from a guidance counselor or teacher indicating your GPA
OR report card
How much does the program cost?
The Summer Institute for Future Nurses is free to attend.
Any questions can be directed to Kalighann Styre at styre.1@osu.edu.
2018 Summer Institute for Future Nurses program
2019 Summer Institute for Future Nurses program
2022 Summer Institute for Future Nurses program
2023 Summer Institute for Future Nurses program