Joni Tornwall

Joni Tornwall Portrait
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Associate Clinical Professor
Co-Director of the Academy for Teaching Innovation, Excellence and Scholarship
Director of Assessment and Evaluation

Dr. Joni Tornwall began her career in nursing as an operating room nurse and gradually transitioned to the role of educator and instructional designer in higher education. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas Medical Branch, a master's degree in Higher Education Administration from Ohio University, and a PhD in Learning Technologies from The Ohio State University. Currently, she teaches academic writing for DNP students and instructional design for nurse educators. As Co-Director of the College of Nursing’s Academy of Teaching Innovation, Excellence, and Scholarship (TIES Academy), Dr. Tornwall supports instructional design and creation of innovative and engaging learning experiences for students. She also assists faculty with opportunities in scholarship, publication, presentation, and grant-funded project development. As the Director of Assessment and Evaluation, Dr. Tornwall implements systematic program-level evaluation and reports on student learning outcomes in the College of Nursing. See her full CV at

Dr. Tornwall works with educators in the health professions to implement student-to-student peer review with an aim to enhance the quality and quantity of feedback students receive in the academic setting as well as to prepare students for peer review in professional practice. Her research is focused on student-to-student peer review and how educators prepare students to provide and receive supportive peer feedback. She is a member of the editorial board for Nurse Education Today and Nurse Educator, and a certified peer reviewer and workshop facilitator for Quality Matters. She serves on the AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) National Committee on Education and a Senior Affiliate with the OSU Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning. She completed a Fulbright Scholar project in Finland in 2023 titled “Collaborative Approaches to Innovation and Scholarship in Nursing Education.”


June 26, 2024

The new LPN to BSN program at the College of Nursing was designed for LPNs to obtain their BSN. Three current students, James Williams, Toni Hall and Colleen M. Barrett, shared with us about their experiences in the program. 

June 04, 2024

As wounded victims came pouring into the civilian hospital in Kharkov after the Ukraine war began in February 2022, Artem Riga initially was the only surgeon on duty. Some colleagues were fleeing the country and others were delayed because of the intense shelling. Doctors had to ration food and medical supplies, performing surgery in body armor, with sandbags on the windowsills of the operating room. A sudden attack significantly damaged his hospital and left patients covered in broken glass and other debris. Amid this chaos, Riga had to teach patients to care for their own wounds.


July 23, 10:00 a.m.
Golden Buckeye Center for Dementia Caregiving
760 Kinnear Road