Joni Tornwall

Joni Tornwall Portrait
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Associate Clinical Professor
Co-Director, Academy for Teaching Innovation, Excellence and Scholarship (TIES)
Director of Assessment and Evaluation

Dr. Joni Tornwall focuses her research and scholarship on feedback literacy and the role of peer-to-peer feedback in teaching and learning. Her work underpins high-quality nursing education and supports the development of a strong nursing workforce. She firmly believes that a strong sense of accountability to practice improvement through feedback fosters a strong professional identity in nursing, and innovative teaching with technology increases learner engagement and builds skills needed in nursing practice.

With that philosophy as a backdrop, Dr. Tornwall teaches courses in academic writing and instructional design for graduate-level nursing students. As co-director of the College of Nursing’s Academy of Teaching Innovation, Excellence and Scholarship (TIES Academy), she supports faculty in creating innovative and engaging learning experiences. She works with educators in the health professions to develop teaching strategies and optimize the use of technology to help students learn. She also supports healthcare professionals in improving the feedback they provide to learners and peers.

Dr. Tornwall earned a PhD in education (Learning Technologies) from the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. She holds a master's degree (MEd) in higher education administration from Ohio University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Her future projects will focus on extending her scholarship and practice to reach across international borders. She aims to support strong professional identities and healthy learning habits in future nurses, with an overarching goal of strengthening the broad perception of nursing as a scientific discipline with a powerfully positive influence on local and global well-being and empowering nurses worldwide to sustain their practice through the daily challenges they will encounter in the workplace.

Full CV:


January 24, 2025

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February 07, 6:00 p.m.
Hitchcock Hall, Room 131
2070 Neil Avenue