Todd E. Tussing

Todd Tussing Portrait
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Assistant Clinical Professor
252 Newton Hall
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295 W. 10th Ave.
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Dr. Todd Tussing’s focus is on preparing the next generation of leaders in healthcare to affect change that makes communities healthier and stronger, whether they are informal leaders as advanced providers or formal leaders holding managerial titles.

Dr. Tussing teaches courses covering leadership, health policy, quality improvement, healthcare finance, organizational culture and organizational operations. Paired with a scholarship/research focus on storytelling as a pedagogy and evidence-based practice (EBP), he aims to help improve the nursing environment to increases quality of and access to care and practitioners’ job satisfaction while decreasing costs. As an EBP-certified facilitator, he assists with project development and implementation for clinical and administrative environments. He has also fostered a passion for interprofessional collaboration and teaches in Ohio State’s IPE (Interprofessional Practice and Education) program, engaging both undergraduate and graduate students.

Dr. Tussing’s research activities center on questions involving nursing practice and topics of importance to nurse leaders. As he continues this scholarly work, he plans to extend his efforts and influence on the international platform.

The native of Champaign County, Ohio earned his master’s and Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees in nursing and health system leadership from Wright State University.


Featured book chapters

Buck, J., Tussing, T., Justice, M., Hoying, C., Campbell-Saxton, C., & Helpling, A. (2024). Healthcare Finance for Leaders (Chapter 11). In Melnyk, B., & Raderstorf, T. (Eds.) Evidence-based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare. (2nd. Ed., pp. 176 - 188). Springer Publishing.
ISBN-13: 9780826160713

Buck, J., Justice, M., Tussing, T., Richards, M, & Maitland, J.  (2024). Creating a Budget: Basics of Budgeting and Negotiation for Leaders (Chapter 12). In Melnyk, B., & Raderstorf, T. (Eds.) Evidence-based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare. (2nd. Ed., pp. 188 - 202). Springer Publishing.
ISBN-13: 9780826160713

Tussing, T., & Buck, J., Batcheller, J., Brown, K., Caramanica, L., Gorsuch, P., Jefferson-Gordon, J., Labardee, R., & Pryear, R.  (2024). Bringing the Nurse Leader Competencies to Life in Real-World Practice Settings (Chapter 16). In Melnyk, B., & Raderstorf, T. (Eds.) Evidence-based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare. (2nd. Ed., pp. 244 - 261). Springer Publishing.
ISBN-13: 9780826160713

Tussing, T., Welch, J., Loversidge, J., (2023). Using Evidence to Influence Health and Organizational Policy (Chapter 20). In Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E.  (Eds.) Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice (5th Ed., pp. 533 – 546). Wolters Kluwer.
ISBN-13: ‎978-1975185725

Ballard, N., & Tussing, T., Wei, H. (2022). Developing Effective Nursing Leadership Skills and Capacity (Chapter 4). In Wei, H. (Ed.) Nurse-Led Visionary Leadership in Healthcare: Excellence in Practice, Policy, and Ethics (1st Ed., pp. 87 - 115). Sigma Theta Tau.
ISBN-13:‎ 978-1646480210

  • Recipient of 2022 American Journal of Nursing (AJN) Book of Year Award, 1st Place for the Management and Leadership category.
Funded Research Grants
Professional Activities
Professional Society Memberships


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