Jessica (Saunders) Fritter

Jessica Fritter
First Name
Last Name
Clinical Instructor of Practice
252 Newton Hall
Address (Line 2)
295 W. 10th Ave.
Zip Code

Jessica Fritter received her Bachelor’s in Communication Studies from the University of North Carolina Wilmington and obtained her Master’s of Applied Clinical and Preclinical Research from The Ohio State University. She is currently completing her Doctor of Health Sciences from Eastern Virginia Medical School. She has her Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) - Certified Professional Certification through ACRP. 

Fritter is a Clinical Instructor of Practice, Master of Clinical Research program and Undergraduate of Clinical Trials Sciences Certificate, at The Ohio State University College of Nursing. She also has an appointment with Workforce Development, Center for Clinical and Translational Science. She is an advisor for RISE: Representing Inclusive Standards in Healthcare Environments Student Organization. She teaches and creates courses that are fundamental to clinical research education. Through her years in clinical research, she has overseen very robust and always evolving infrastructures that include clinical research coordinators, regulatory coordinators, research scientists, data analysts, project coordinators, project managers, and undergraduate research volunteers. She has managed multimillion dollar infrastructures and clinical trial budgets along with overseeing a core infrastructure of regulatory affairs, clinical research training, compliance, business operations, clinical trial management systems, feasibility, and program management. 

She has extensive experience in study feasibility, creating training programs, writing grants, grants management, study start up through close out for federal RCTs, industry sponsored trials, and internal collaborative studies.

Funded Research Grants
Degree Certifications
Professional Activities


June 26, 2024

The new LPN to BSN program at the College of Nursing was designed for LPNs to obtain their BSN. Three current students, James Williams, Toni Hall and Colleen M. Barrett, shared with us about their experiences in the program. 

June 04, 2024

As wounded victims came pouring into the civilian hospital in Kharkov after the Ukraine war began in February 2022, Artem Riga initially was the only surgeon on duty. Some colleagues were fleeing the country and others were delayed because of the intense shelling. Doctors had to ration food and medical supplies, performing surgery in body armor, with sandbags on the windowsills of the operating room. A sudden attack significantly damaged his hospital and left patients covered in broken glass and other debris. Amid this chaos, Riga had to teach patients to care for their own wounds.


July 27, 12:00 p.m.
Stecker Auditorium
520 Butterfly Gardens Drive