Heather L. Tubbs Cooley

Heather Tubbs Cooley Portrait
First Name
Last Name
Tubbs Cooley
Associate Professor
Director, Health Services Research Collaborative
Director, PhD Program
200H Heminger Hall
Address (Line 2)
1577 Neil Avenue
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Dr. Heather Tubbs Cooley’s research focuses on improving quality and safety outcomes in pediatric care, with a specific focus on the care delivery mechanisms linking the organization and financing of health care with patient outcomes. Her work spans pediatric populations and settings including general pediatrics and neonatal intensive care environments. Dr. Tubbs Cooley teaches and advises across the undergraduate and graduate curriculums and welcomes PhD students and post-doctoral research Fellows into her lab for training in health services research methods and analytic approaches.

Dr. Tubbs Cooley is an affiliated faculty member of The Ohio State University Translational Data Analytics Institute and director of the College of Nursing’s Health Services Research (HSR) Collaborative. The HSR Collaborative serves as the synergistic hub for faculty and students pursing research programs focused on health care quality, outcomes and value.

Dr. Tubbs Cooley began her clinical career as a pediatric medical-surgical nurse and has worked in pediatric inpatient and home care settings. She has more than a decade of experience as a clinically based nurse scientist at top children’s hospitals and is currently appointed as a principal investigator in the Center for Perinatal Research at the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.  



  • Post-doctoral Fellowship, quality improvement and implementation science, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
  • PhD, nursing, University of Pennsylvania
  • BS, nursing, Western Michigan University 

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Tubbs Cooley Lab

Funded Research Grants
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Professional Activities


June 26, 2024

The new LPN to BSN program at the College of Nursing was designed for LPNs to obtain their BSN. Three current students, James Williams, Toni Hall and Colleen M. Barrett, shared with us about their experiences in the program. 

June 04, 2024

As wounded victims came pouring into the civilian hospital in Kharkov after the Ukraine war began in February 2022, Artem Riga initially was the only surgeon on duty. Some colleagues were fleeing the country and others were delayed because of the intense shelling. Doctors had to ration food and medical supplies, performing surgery in body armor, with sandbags on the windowsills of the operating room. A sudden attack significantly damaged his hospital and left patients covered in broken glass and other debris. Amid this chaos, Riga had to teach patients to care for their own wounds.


July 23, 10:00 a.m.
Golden Buckeye Center for Dementia Caregiving
760 Kinnear Road