Christa Newtz
I am certified as an Adult Psychiatric Clinical Nurse Specialist. I have been certified for 4 years and have taught at the College of Nursing for 5 years. I received my Bachelor’s degree from Ohio State in 1997 and my Master’s degree in 2001. I have a Master’s degree in Adult Psychiatric Nursing as well as Community Health Nursing. I am interested in health promotion with the community dwelling chronically mentally ill population as well as geriatric mental health needs. I am also interested in interdisciplinary care planning and teaching.
I currently work with students in the Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing course (N512). My students have their clinical experiences in a group home for the mentally ill as well as an adult inpatient psychiatric unit. In addition, I have taught in the Community Health Nursing course as well as the Older Adult Nursing course.
College ranks #12 overall and #1 among Big Ten and Ohio colleges of nursing
New rankings measuring National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant funding among colleges of nursing nationwide show that The Ohio State University College of Nursing maintained its strong national standing and leadership in nursing research.
Finding suggests need for education about tech's reliability
The use of fertility-tracking technology increased in some states after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade despite warnings that reproduction-related data might not be secure, a new study has found.