aBSN Admission Timeline

This timeline is specific to applicants for the 2025 application cycle and is meant to provide an overview of what to expect from the admissions process once you have submitted your application. Dates may be approximate and are subject to change. If you have questions about the application process, please email us.

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Deadline: January 10

The application and all required materials must be submitted. Please visit the website for a complete list of required materials. You can track the status of your application materials through your Applicant Center. Your application status will show "pending" until a decision is posted. You are encouraged to check your application status regularly until a decision is posted, as the status of checklist items for specific application materials can change at any time.

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Transcripts: January 10

Official transcripts for test scores and/or AP exams completed outside Ohio State must be received by the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions. All official transcripts should include grades for classes completed by the transcript deadline, including any prerequisite courses.

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Decision: Late-March

All applicants will be notified of their application decision through the Applicant Center and via an email from the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions.

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Accept: Two weeks post decision

All admitted students will have two weeks after the posted decision notification to accept their offer online. Admitted students will receive a Virtual Admissions Packet to guide next steps. Newly admitted students to the university will be required to pay a $100 acceptance fee. This acceptance fee is not required for current Ohio State students.

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Preparing for the program: April - May

Admitted students must begin the process of becoming compliant immediately upon accepting the offer of admission. As a nursing student, you will be expected to purchase scrubs, equipment and software that will be used throughout the program. Please refer to the Virtual Admissions Packet for all compliance requirements and additional costs associated with the program.

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Orientation: May

Attendance is mandatory for newly admitted aBSN students.